Page 43 of Empower
Red placed his forearms on the table, and leaned forward, “Ever since that shit with Mitzie, we’ve all been on high alert. Hippie came to me and wanted to start doing a sweep along with installing a program that can pick things up.”
He swallowed and then continued, “Boys, we got a fucking problem, turns out Hippie found some hidden cameras when he was doing his monthly sweep. So, I need everyone to think back to the past month, has anyone new come around, or has anyone stayed at the clubhouse for a long period?” Red asked the room.
We hadn’t made any enemies lately so fuck we didn’t have a clue.
It was Tank who spoke up first. “You know there was this one chick who came in on the same day that Hippie, Cason, and the prospects came back.”
At my nod, he continued.
“Anyway, she kept trying to flirt with some of the prospects to show her around. She grabbed hold of Flint that new prospect. They disappeared for a while. It wasn’t until I saw her chatting up with Raine that I saw her again. She kept asking questions about Lena and it even made Raine get defensive. She was told she needed to leave, the bitch got smart and said who the hell are you. I grabbed the chick and had to drag her ass out of here before Raine stomped her ass.”
I nodded, “Tank, go get Flint and bring his ass in here.”
Red growled, “I wanna know who the fuck this chick is and why the fuck she was asking questions about my girl.”
I nodded, then recalled a chick doing it, at the time I thought I knew her, but I hadn’t been able to place her, “Come to think of it, she tried flirting with me too, but once I caught on to her game, I told her if she knew what was good for her, she needed to get the fuck away from me.”
The only woman I wanted was Lena.
Tank came back in here with Flint, usually, prospects are not allowed in church but this time it was a special circumstance.
“I imagine Tank filled you in on why you were brought in here?” At his nod, I looked at Red and jerked my chin.
He growled, “I want to know who the fuck this chick is and why the fuck she was asking questions about my girl.”
Flint shrugged his shoulders, “She walked up to me, flirting and all, said she was impressed or some shit. She kept batting her eyelashes and shit, so I thought she was trying to get down. I told her that if she was looking, I was giving. So, I took her back to the barracks. No one else was in there. I did my business and then kicked her ass out after she said oh, I love you. I stayed there for a while to make sure she was gone. Once I came out, I saw her chatting it up with Raine. I was ordered to go make a beer refill, so I left. That’s about it. Oh… I remember something else, she had a big fucking purse, I thought she was planning on spending the night or some shit.”
I nodded, then said, “That’s it.”
He nodded then walked out of church.
“Hippie pull up those cameras you installed.” Hippie left as well. Everyone was looking at me with questioning gazes.
Because no one was aware of these cameras except for myself and Hippie.
I told the brothers, “Normally this would have been a club decision, I know. But there was something I just couldn’t shake. So, I had Hippie install a few secret cameras right after Mitzie’s shit. No way was I letting that shit happen again in my club.”
All their gazes changed from being confused to understanding in a split second.
Hippie returned with his laptop and placed it in the middle of the room, he worked his magic with the keys and pulled up the feed that showed the areas where some of the cameras were placed. We all saw some girl that none of us had ever seen, however, she looked familiar, but I couldn’t place it.
“I’m going to run a search on her description to see if I can find anything out about her. And I’ll make some calls to see if anyone knows who the fuck she is.” Hippie was then zoned out with his laptop working his magic.
“Alright, y’all that’s it. Everyone keep a lookout, watch after your own.”
“So… Storm,” Red said with a smirk on his face.
Oh, fuck here it comes. Come on Red give me all you’ve got.
“When are you gonna make my daughter your ol’ lady?” He was smirking all the while. That son of a bitch.
I sat there for a second and looked at all my brothers around the table. Each of them gave me a head nod. Score.
I made sure I had my eyes locked with Red’s when I said, “I gotta talk to her first about something, if she accepts it then yeah, I’m gonna make her my ol’ lady then my wife. If I have your blessing?”
I promised myself I wouldn’t ever let anyone get attached to me after Sara, Raine’s mother pulled her shit.
But my past self hadn’t met Lena.