Page 44 of Empower
And you want to know something else?
I’ve gone forty-two years and never received a gift unless it was from the brothers around Christmas time or from my daughter.
No one else has ever gone out of their way to care about me or make me something for my birthday.
But Lena did.
That awesome Oreo Dirt Cake, Lena made for me three months ago. Now I’m forty-two years old, and yeah, she’s worth it.
Red nodded, “You had it the day you killed that son of a bitch.”
Nothing was heard after that except mighty fists slamming on the table in agreement.
But one thing needed to be addressed, and if I didn’t, then I wasn’t the man for Lena.
Therefore, I gave the name that Lena wasn’t supposed to know to Hippie.
“Find him. Track him. He’s going to no man’s land.” I said, without a hint of regret.
Red asked, “What did he do?”
“Raped a four-year-old little girl.”
Every brother’s face showed extreme levels of pissed off.
But it was Ripper who said, “My hands have been clean for far too long.”
Chapter 9
I didn’t realize that when Storm said soon it would be the very next morning, when I walked out the door to head to work it was to see Storm loading up my truck.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing Storm? Where are you taking my truck? I have to be at work in thirty minutes.”
What the hell was he up to?
He knew I worked three twelve-hour shifts and then off for three days, the same as Raine.
“Chill, Precious. Your truck needs new tires on it. We’ve got a giant snowstorm coming in. I’m taking you to work and then picking you up. So go grab your leather jacket and your helmet. Yeah?”
“I know this may be hard to do, but anyway we can swing by McDonalds so I can grab a coffee?” This was my morning routine. I always made sure I had enough time to swing by and get a caramel iced coffee with extra cream and sugar, it was my bad habit.
“Already planned on it, Precious. Raine is grabbing it for you. It would be hard trying to carry that shit on the bike.” Well doesn’t he think of everything?
We arrived at the hospital twenty minutes later. Storm pulled up to the side entrance and helped me get off the bike. My face felt frozen.
“Thanks for bringing me to work, and thanks for the tires, Storm.” I was pretty sure of that anyway. Daddy wouldn’t know about my coffee, but I suspected Storm did, he knew where my medicine cabinet was after all.
“How’d you figure it out, Precious?” He was smirking, god I loved his smirks. They were rare and few were far in between.
“Oh, I have my ways. You better watch out Storm.” I said with a hand on my hip.
He chuckled, then shook his head, “Soon as I see you're safely inside, I gotta go buy a truck.”
I lifted a brow, “Why?”
“Cause’, can’t have you getting cold all the time on my bike. And when I plant my baby in you, it won’t be safe for you to ride the bike.”