Page 59 of Captiva Ever After
“Friendsgiving? What in the world is that?”
“It’s a mini Thanksgiving party for friends only instead of family.”
“Sounds more like someone made that up just to have a reason to party…which, by the way, I’m all for.”
Lauren laughed. “Yes, I’m not surprised. So, how is Key West and Weston?” Lauren teased.
“His name is Winston and you know it,” Grandma answered. “He’s fine. It’s not hard to be fine when you’re down here.”
“You haven’t gotten another tattoo have you?”
“No, not lately. Although I wouldn’t rule out getting another one. I have to really be committed to the image since it will be with me forever. I was thinking that when I finally get another one, I should make sure people can see it even with my clothes on.”
“What? Why?”
“Well, when I finally die and you all put me in the coffin, with all those clothes on, no one will see it. Maybe I’ll get a little butterfly or flower on my hand. Better yet, I could get something really scandalous so I shock people when they look at me.”
Although Lauren had given up on taming her grandmother, this latest scheme seemed over the top, even for her.
“I think you should wait on that and give it more thought.”
“I suppose so. Anyway, that’s not why I’m calling. I wanted to ask you if you have taken the test yet.”
“The test?”
“Yes, you know, one of those pregnancy tests.”
Shocked at her grandmother’s suggestion, she assumed it was the drink that was getting to her.
“Grandma, I’m not pregnant. How many drinks have you had?”
“Don’t you get smart with me, Missy. This doesn’t have alcohol in it and I’m perfectly capable of knowing when my granddaughter is with child. You go buy one of those things today.”
Suddenly, Lauren’s stomach flipped and she thought back to the last several weeks of nausea and fatigue. It never occurred to her that she might be pregnant, but it would seem that Grandma Sarah knew something she didn’t. Days earlier as Lauren watched her grandmother pack for Key West, she now realized that her grandmother suspected but never said a word.
Slowly lowering herself onto a chair, Lauren held her stomach. “Do you really think so?”
Grandma Sarah laughed. “I know…now go get the test and send me a picture with the results.”
Her grandmother ended the Facetime call without so much as a goodbye.
Lauren laughed at the absurdity of the situation and for a moment thought her grandmother had lost her mind…but then, the crazy idea was transforming into a real possibility in her mind.
Not wanting to waste another minute thinking she could be pregnant, Lauren got her keys and ran to the car. If she was pregnant, she wanted to know right away. If she wasn’t, she needed to call her grandmother and tell her to stop starting fires.
Lauren already had Cora and Quinn and that was all the children she and Jeff could handle. Their little family of four was her pride and joy and nothing, she thought, could make her any happier. Nothing, except the new life that might be growing inside her.
She laughed out loud as she drove to the market. Suddenly excited and surprised by her reaction. Thinking back to her two previous pregnancies, she recalled every symptom. Both had drained her energy from the start and both made her short with people and stressed over the smallest conflict. These and a few other behaviors convinced her that her grandmother was right.
By the time she got home from the store, her hands were shaking and swarms of butterflies flitted around in her stomach.
New pregnancy tests had appeared on shelves since she was last pregnant. Since she wanted something that gave her complete confidence in the results, she selected one that gave the results in words. In the small results window the word “Pregnant” came through clear as day.
Lauren put her hand to her mouth and started to cry. Everything made sense as she stopped resisting the emotions that flooded her body for the last several days. She had a new life growing inside her, and wonderful news to share with Jeff and the girls.
There was only one thing to do before she told her family. She had to take a picture of the pregnancy test results and text the photo to her grandmother. Grandma Sarah was an incredible woman, one whose perspective and wisdom Lauren would never question again.
* * *