Page 60 of Captiva Ever After
Becca sat on the roof of her family home and listened to the distant sound of the waves and the new windchimes hanging on the tree. Linda St. James gifted her father the colorful wind chimes as a thank you for letting her stay with them during the storm.
Becca put her hand to her face and felt her warm skin smiling at the slight sunburn. She’d missed the feel of the beach, salt air and sun on her skin and hated that soon she’d be back in Boston and the cold weather.
“Hey, I thought I’d find you up here,” Crawford said as he sat next to her.
“You know me too well, Dad. I used to come up here when I wanted to hide from everyone,” she said.
“Is that what you’re doing now? Are you trying to hide from me and your brothers?”
Becca smiled and shook her head. “No. Not really. I’m just savoring the sounds and smells of the island. I really love it here. I miss it.”
“I know you do, honey, and I miss you, but what you’re doing up in Boston is important work. You’re going to be an amazing doctor. Captiva will always be here for you. All you have to do is hop on a plane and you can be here in three hours.”
Becca leaned her head on her father’s shoulder. “I know. It’s not the same though. I wish…”
Crawford touched Becca’s face. “I know, baby. Nothing stays the same. Life moves so fast sometimes we think we’ll miss something if we’re not vigilant and on top of every little detail. But sometimes you just have to let the world around you do what it will. You can’t control it all. Just focus on what matters most to you, and you’ll be fine.”
Becca kissed her father’s cheek. “Thanks, Dad.”
He tapped her arm. “No problem, kiddo. Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes, so don’t stay up here too long, okay?”
Becca smiled and nodded. “Okay.”
Her father stopped just before he climbed through the window. “Oh, before I forget, I left something for you on your bed. It’s just a little gift I think you might like. See you downstairs.”
Becca stayed on the roof for a few minutes longer before deciding to go inside. She climbed through the window and walked down the hall to her room.
She smiled when she saw a large white box on the bed. Shaking her head, she laughed and said, “What did he do?”
She opened the envelope on the box and pulled out the note card from her father.
I’d always planned to give this box to you on your wedding day because that’s what your mother wanted. But then, when I went through her Hope Chest, I found something that I think you might want to see before the wedding.
I hope you know how loved you are, and always will be. You’re in my heart, as your mother is, yesterday, today and always.
Her fingers shaking, Becca opened the box and found her mother’s wedding dress beautifully wrapped in tissue paper and placed inside a protective bag. The long, white, satin and lace dress slid out and onto Becca’s lap.
Careful not to damage the vintage dress, Becca lifted it up and against her body. It was a simple, yet elegant, dress that was perfect for her parents’ beach wedding.
Becca figured it was too much to ask that the dress fit her, but she decided to put it on anyway. Lace flower petals and climbing stems for straps molded to her shoulders as the satin dress swooped down and around her body.
The dress fit perfectly. Becca knew immediately that she was supposed to wear this dress on her wedding day. Somehow, her father must have believed the same thing. She went back to the box and found another envelope that was placed inside. Before she even opened the letter, she knew who it was from.
My Dearest Rebecca,
As soon as the doctor put you on my chest, you’ve remained there your whole life. You rested your little body over my heart and I swear you looked right at me and smiled. It was as if you were telling me that after only hearing my voice for several months, you were so happy to finally see my face. I know I was thrilled to see yours.
I didn’t know then who you would become. I only knew that I’d be proud of you every day of my life, and I have been.
When it became clear that I wouldn’t be with you on your wedding day, I promised myself that I would be, even if it was only in spirit.
If you’re reading this then it’s your wedding day, and I’ve kept my promise. I’m here with you baby. I’m sitting in the front row as your father gives you away to the most amazing man. I know he’s amazing because you love him, and have promised to be his forever, just as I did the day I married your father.
I wish, for his sake, that I could have stayed longer, but I’m comforted by this fact…that even if we knew God would take me from this earth, we still would have chosen each other. These years with the love of my life, and the family we grew together is everything…as it will be for you and your husband and I will be with you on the day the doctor places your baby over your heart.