Page 102 of Riv's Sanctuary
His mood was sour now and he didn't know why.
When he retreated to his room, it only got worse.
Stripping off his clothes, Riv fell back against his sleeping cushion, frowning at the ceiling.
This room was the only room that seemed untouched by the female's presence; yet, it was as if he could still smell her there.
That soft smell of flowers that had wafted into his nose when she'd come close.
Riv frowned at himself.
The memory made him want to squeeze his eyes shut tight.
These thoughts, he knew where they were going.
A dangerous place.
Still, he couldn't help but wonder if that same flowery scent lingered on her skin.
Would she smell like flowers if his nose was against her and he inhaled deeply?
A flashing image of her hand rubbing her slender neck came back to him and he groaned. Right on its tail was the image of her licking her lips and the feel of her face against his neck.
In his mind, everything was suddenly in slow motion, replaying over and over till he was left wondering what it would feel like if he were to touch her in those places.
It had been too long since he'd allowed himself to even notice a female. That's what this was.
For several hours, he lay there in bed.
Falling asleep had always been a problem. Staying asleep even harder.
But this dark-cycle, it wasn't his usual bad dreams about the mines keeping him awake.
It seemed females were the poison that fed his insomnia.
He'd told her to stay out of his way but that probably wouldn't be enough. He needed to keep far away from her as well.
The animals he had to take care of were all the trouble he needed in his life.
Lauren woke early.
She was alone.
The dog had gone off as he seemed to usually do. She guessed he went hunting or something.
The entire house was quiet.
Maybe her annoyingly handsome host was still sleeping.
She rolled her eyes at the thought of him.
The fact she thought he was good-looking shouldn’t make her forget who and what he was.