Page 103 of Riv's Sanctuary
He was an alien. One intent on keeping her at arms length.
He still didn’t like her. That was obvious from the conversation the day before.
She didn’t know what she’d expected.
Squeezing her eyes shut, she remembered how she’d moved into his firm body for comfort…how he’d pulled her toward him so she wouldn’t see the parent and child get murdered…
Those things confused her now, but reality wasn’t complicated if she didn’t make it that way.
Stretching, she allowed herself a few minutes for the sleep to leave her eyes.
Regardless of that, yesterday had gone better than she'd expected.
She’d wanted to show him that she didn't intend to just sit around doing nothing.
She'd never worked on a farm, but she could learn. She had two working hands and a strong back.
On her grandad's farm, she'd follow him around while he took care of the animals and though he’d never let her help, except for feeding the chickens, she'd enjoyed farm life whenever she’d visited.
There was just something freeing about being able to hang out in the middle of nowhere with only animals as company.
Animals weren’t complicated. For them, life was simple.
Eat, sleep, poop, repeat.
Wasn't that the life everyone wanted?
She smiled to herself.
That's why she was up so early.
She intended to head out and begin doing whatever she could to help with the farm work. Going to the exchange with Riv had shown her that some of those aliens—no, most of them—wanted nothing more than a warm cunt and she was more than that.
It'd been terrifying, the way they'd looked at her. She'd had men leer at her on Earth but there was something definitely sinister when aliens did it.
It had been obvious what they'd been thinking about and to even consider they wanted to put their alien dicks anywhere near her…it made her stomach grow putrid.
She'd made up her mind fully then.
There was no way for her to go back home. That ship had sailed...or flown...whatever spaceships did. That meant she absolutely had to make the most of what she had, and that included not getting kicked off the Sanctuary sooner than necessary.
She needed to take her time till she got better at surviving.
Sleep now out of her eyes, her gaze became clear.
Time to get to work.
* * *
Riv tossed on his sleeping cushion.
The thoughts wouldn’t go away.
Memories of the Tasqal female who'd bought him and Sohut so many years ago came flooding back to him, making his shoulders go rigid, his fists clenching hard against the sleeping cushion.
He had been just thirteen orbits when his cock had grown in length and his mating sacs had matured. A clear signal he was a fertile male.