Page 104 of Riv's Sanctuary
Back on his home planet, it would have been a time of celebration and he'd have been able to join the hunting circles and be seen as an equal among the males of the tribe. No longer a chid, he'd have joined them on hunts and defended their settlement against invasions.
That was the life he'd have had if he hadn't been betrayed by the first female he'd ever loved.
His own mor.
The thought made him hold back a growl.
Usually, these thoughts came late into the dark cycle when he was alone and his defenses were weakened by tiredness and sleep.
But they came now, when he was fully awake but still defenseless against them.
He couldn't change the past. He could only relive it over and over.
His step over the boundary into puberty, that invisible line that separated a boy from a fully-grown merssi male, hadn’t gone unnoticed.
Every night-cycle, females in the mines would come to him, touch him when he didn't want them to, try to force him to do things with them…to them.
There was one female, who'd seemed the kindest. She'd been kind to Sohut and she’d never tried to coerce him into doing anything he didn't want to.
He'd trusted her.
Till one night he saw her undressing as she moved toward his innocent brother. He'd chased her away but not before he'd realized all the metal they'd mined had gone missing.
Not only had she tried to take his brother's innocence...she'd also stolen from them.
When the checkers came to collect the dues, he’d had none to give.
That wasn't the first time he'd been whipped for something that he’d had no control over.
Not the first time he’d been punished.
But it didn't end there.
The Tasqal female that had bought him and Sohut had also found out about his sexual readiness. When she sent for him, he knew his world was going to change.
He'd been pulled away from his brother and taken to the female’s chambers.
The smell was the first thing that had hit him.
Vile. Like something rotting.
She'd smiled at him with that too-wide mouth, her circular headdress sparkling in the light as she’d gestured for him to come closer.
When he'd refused, he'd been forced to kneel in front of her.
The beatings began that day when his cock wouldn't rise for her.
And the day after.
And the day after that.
That last day, when her patience had reached its limit and she'd knelt his bloodied body in front of her, she'd held his gaze as she ordered for his tail to be removed.
Even now, with the memory, the stump that was left behind ached.
She'd rendered him less of a male...
Riv tossed again on the cushion, turning toward the door.