Page 110 of Riv's Sanctuary
It was funny how needy she was.
Back on Earth, she hadn’t needed anyone. She’d been self-sufficient living on her own.
No boyfriend. A few girl friends.
She’d lived far from any blood relatives but she’d keep in contact when she could.
Point was, she’d never realized that she craved touch.
It must be a human thing.
Humans craved touch and, for one whole year, she’d had no one touch her in any real way.
Fast forward to now and suddenly there’s Riv.
She still had the memory of his strong hands against her when they’d gone to the market.
But it wasn’t just that. There was something about him that caught her attention and drew it. Like she was an ant and he was sugar.
It seemed fate was going to mess with her, though, for after a year of wanting company, this was who she got.
He hated her. For reasons she didn't know, he hated her.
Maybe he found her disgusting to look at? She didn't know.
Still, she liked it at the Sanctuary. Spending the day with the animals had caused her to realize life could be good there.
Truth was, she didn't want to leave.
Setting her shoulders, she clasped her hands, wincing slightly at the blisters that were forming there.
She'd just have to get used to them.
She'd rather deal with blisters than the alien dicks she'd seen at the market any day.
Easing off the counter, she headed to the bathroom.
She needed to urinate before bed and then she was going to collapse and sleep her worries away.
Tomorrow was a new day to make more mistakes.
It must have been tiredness or maybe she was just engrossed in her thoughts because she opened the door to the bathroom, stepping in without even knocking.
It took her only a second to realize what she’d done when her eyes fell on a glorious blue naked ass.
His glutes were taut, the firmness looking as if it was carved with precision.
There was a stump there too, at his tailbone, and her eyes fastened on it even as she heard a growl in the small space.
Before she could even think about where she was and what she was doing, Riv moved and she was against the wall, pressed into it by the sheer force of his presence.
“La-rehn,” he growled and it must be the steam in the room or something else but she was suddenly very hot. Her hands were clammy, and she was finding it hard to breathe.
He was naked. She’d walked in on his shower.