Page 111 of Riv's Sanctuary
He was frickin’ naked and he was so close that the water covering his skin was making her clothes wet.
She could feel every muscle in his chest, even the muscles in his thighs and remembering her thoughts from earlier about this very position beneath him, Lauren swallowed hard.
“S-sorry. I—”
“I cannot even wash in peace? Must you permeate every inch of my space, my mind, my solitude?” Riv growled low, his face centimeters above hers.
Lauren swallowed again.
She didn’t know what he was talking about. She was only five foot seven.
She wasn’t permeating any space.
Did he have to be so intense?
For it was intense.
She could hardly see his face, for the door had hissed shut and enclosed them in darkness.
He showered in the dark?
Who the hell did that?
But instead of making her afraid, the darkness made her hyper aware.
It was as if every spot where his skin came in contact with hers was tingling. She could feel each breath he took…the heave of his chest as he pressed into her…his hands pushing against the wall by the sides of her head…
“You,” he growled and the sound made her whimper, not out of fear but because of something else completely different.
The front of her dress now wet, her nipples became hardened peaks against his chest, pushing back against him.
Just a movement, any movement, and the friction would have her nipples pulling across his skin.
He pressed her further into the wall, his body against hers, the water sluicing off his skin onto her.
He seemed to be fighting with something within himself because his body was rigid, his palms closed into fists, and he was gritting his teeth, fangs bared.
As the moments passed, something in the back of her mind told her she should disentangle herself. She should leave.
She’d interrupted his shower and should be the one to go.
He wasn’t pressing her so hard into the wall that she couldn’t wriggle to the side and make an exit.
However, her feet refused to move.
It was either that or her mind wasn’t sending the signal.
So she stood there, the air between them feeling as if it was rising in temperature, her own chest heaving in tune with his.
And for the first time since she’d crossed that barrier and entered his Sanctuary, Lauren realized something.
She was attracted to Riv.
This went past thinking he was handsome or admiring his physique.
This didn’t feel anything like the advances and leers she’d received from other aliens. When they’d done it, she wanted to make herself scarce.
Right now, she didn’t want to move.