Page 112 of Riv's Sanctuary
Whatever was happening, she didn’t know if she wanted to stop it.
By God, she didn’t fucking want to stop it.
It took a few moments, but she became dimly aware that between them, against her belly was something long and hard.
The thought of what that could be made her throat go dry in the steamy room.
A part of her mind told her she should be protesting but the majority of her brain cells were more interested in the fact that there was a snarling alien above her, flashing his fangs, and she didn’t feel in the least bit threatened by him.
She felt…alive.
Right now, he felt like something off-limits, something she couldn’t have.
It was no wonder the “bad” kids in high school had always looked like they were having such fun.
Being bad felt fucking good.
But this wasn’t tight.
He wanted to get rid of her.
He didn’t want anything to do with her and that’s why she should know better.
Instead, her body was responding to how close he was, the fact she could feel him against her, the fact that every inch of him that touched her was sending a sort of pleasure through her that she hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
The fuck was wrong with her?
Was she sex starved?
A year without sex could do this to a woman.
Unwittingly, her gaze fell to his lips and she felt his awareness shift, almost as if he realized suddenly that he was too close to her, that she was staring at his lips as if she wanted him to kiss her, and that his entire body was pressing hers into the wall.
But he didn’t move.
Instead, he growled, and that one sound had her thighs clenching with heat.
Lauren swallowed again.
She almost groaned.
Saying his name sounded very, very intimate in the moment and it didn’t help the situation in the least.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were in here.” How she managed to get the words out, she didn’t know.
He grasped her in one motion, spinning her around with such strength she was facing the wall and…she didn’t know this before but…she might be into some light submissive sex play because her entire body was suddenly yearning for him to do more.
He was still pressed against her and she could feel every chord of his taut body. Against her ass, she felt something else. That hard, hot rod was pulsing against her. So close she could feel the ridges along his length.
He had fucking ridges.
If that didn’t make her clench hard, him pressing against her surely did.
It was clear she wasn’t the only one affected by their proximity because she was sure she heard him inhale deeply, his nose dipping to her hair.