Page 13 of The Survivor
He gave a low whistle. “Yes, ma’am. No problem. I’ll take care of it.”
Riley almost felt sorry for Loring. Eve could be intimidating, and she was clearly in fine form right now. But Loring would have to take care of himself. Riley was soaking wet, her arm was throbbing, and she was becoming dizzier by the minute. The only thing she was certain about was that she was very, very tired…
“It’s about time,” Eve said when she saw Riley’s eyes opening. “You scared me when you passed out. Don’t you dare do it again.”
“Passed out? I’m fine.” She frowned as she looked around and realized she was being transported in an ambulance of some sort. “I was just tired and wanted to close my eyes for a minute.”
“Well, that minute stretched into twenty while the EMTs stabilized you and started the IV.” She glanced down at the needle in Riley’s arm. “They finally decided the reason you were unconscious was a combination of shock from the cold water, blood loss, and possible concussion. Anyway, we’re on our way to the hospital ER now. We should be there any minute.” She made a face. “Though Loring was probably in worse shape than you were. He panicked and called Kirby.”
Riley tensed as she realized what that meant. “Shit! Now I’m panicking. Cade. I didn’t want to face this right now. What the hell am I supposed to say?”
“Good question,” Eve said as she took Riley’s hand. “One I don’t have an answer for. The little I could get from Loring was that he heads a security unit hired by Kirby to watch over you while you were at my Lake Cottage. They were being cautious about a possible kidnap-to-ransom attempt. He was told there was no definitive threat, just a routine bodyguard detail.” Her lips tightened. “But there wasn’t anything routine about this attack, so he’s gone back to ask Kirby why he steered him wrong. If they were trying to kidnap you, it would have been stupid to shoot you. It wouldn’t make sense.”
“According to Cade, sometimes kidnappers don’t make sense. They’re into terror. It could be they wanted to show Cade he was vulnerable. Maybe this time they came too close, and a bullet actually struck me.”
“And did they terrorize you?”
“No,” Riley said. “I’m mad as hell. I want to go after them. Those damn slimeballs. It just reminded me that Cade has had to go through this kind of thing all his life. Which made me even angrier for his sake.”
“Well, spare a little fire and brimstone on behalf of yourself,” Eve said. “Loring said there were two snipers out there and his guys managed to take out one of them. Maybe they’ll be able to track the other one down. Or perhaps you’ll get a little help to—” The phone Loring had lent her to replace their own doused ones was ringing and she checked the ID. “Cade. Let me handle him.” She pressed ANSWER and spoke quickly, “Hello, Cade. First, you should know that Riley probably isn’t in as bad a shape as you fear. Right now it looks like she has a slight flesh wound and might have a minor concussion. She’s mad and confused and a little out of it. I’m here with her and we’re on our way to the ER, but I’m not going to let you talk to her until she gets checked out. You might call Loring, who probably knows more than either of us about what happened, so you’ll have something to tell her when she’s ready to talk to you. She needs answers.”
“She’ll get them,” Cade said grimly. “Right now I don’t know what the hell is happening, but I’m heading for the airport. By the time I get to her, I’ll know what kind of screwup happened out at your place. Can she hear me?”
“Yes,” Eve said. “She’s right here.”
“Listen, Riley,” Cade said. “You’re safe. No one is going to touch you. We’ll figure this out and I’ll make it right. I promise you.”
Riley reached out and snatched the phone from Eve. “For pity’s sake, Cade, it’s not as if this is your fault. There are assholes out there. Stop being such a damn martyr. We’ll fix it together.”
Cade was silent for an instant. “Eve must be right, you’re not nearly as bad off as I was afraid you’d be.” He added hoarsely, “Now rest and don’t worry and do what those doctors tell you. I’m on my way. I’ll see you soon.” He cut the connection.
The minute Cade got off the elevator Eve could see the sparks flying. It was no surprise considering his military background and the fact that he’d spent the last dozen years going after both human and animal traffickers around the world. Yet the emotional intensity enveloping him was almost tangible. Eve instinctively jumped up from the hall bench as he approached. “Riley’s napping. She didn’t sleep last night, and the nurse gave her something to relax her.”
“I know. I talked to the doctor in his office before I came up.” He stopped in front of her. “Stop looking so defensive. I’m not going to go in and wake her. I just want to be here when she opens her eyes. I couldn’t just sit down there with that doctor. He was being too damn soothing and superior.”
“He is superior,” Eve said mildly. “And you know it. You’re the one who got Loring to hire a specialist to take care of her last night.”
“It wasn’t that I didn’t trust you. I had to be sure,” Cade said. “I wasn’t here with her.”
“I’m not complaining. Though Riley did quite a bit herself. She doesn’t like hospitals.”
“I had to be sure,” he repeated. Then he spat out, “I was a fucking five thousand six hundred and sixty-five miles away from her and I felt helpless.”
“You knew the precise distance?”
“You bet I did. I was aware of every single mile while I was flying that Gulfstream.”
“And probably bitterly resentful and pissed off that I was here, and you weren’t.”
“No, do you think I’m an idiot? I was really grateful to you, Eve.” He smiled crookedly. “And maybe a little pissed off. I’m not always reasonable, as you know.”
“You’re used to getting what you want. But you usually handle it well.”