Page 14 of The Survivor
“Not when it concerns Riley.”
“I’ve noticed that exception to the rule,” she said. “I’ve been grateful for it. All that power can be intimidating. Since she’s my friend, I need something to keep you in line.” She smiled. “But there are times all your money and influence come in handy. I’m sure you weren’t just sitting in that cockpit counting those miles. What did Loring learn that you found interesting?”
“That they weren’t able to keep that wounded sniper alive for questioning, but they’re checking DNA. We should be getting a report on him soon.”
“But at first Loring thought that it might be a kidnapping plot for ransom. It’s what you think, too?”
“Not necessarily. Too many loose ends,” Cade said. “I never jump to conclusions. On the way over here I called practically everyone I know to probe for information.” His lips thinned. “I wanted to make certain that when I go hunting, I blow the right son of a bitch to kingdom come.”
“Good heavens, yes, you wouldn’t want to make a mistake.” Her tone was faintly mocking. “It might hurt your reputation.”
“I could survive it.” His gaze searched her face. “You look tired. You went through this hell with her, and I haven’t even thanked you. I know you did the best you could for her.”
“Why should you thank me? I didn’t do it for you. I know everyone, including Riley, thinks the sun rises and sets on you. But Riley is my friend, and I was scared to death when this happened to her. You never realize how much you care about a person until you almost lose them.”
“No, you don’t,” he said hoarsely. “Point taken. But you’ve been under a lot of stress. Will you go home and get some rest and trust me to take care of Riley? I promise I won’t leave her.”
“That goes without saying.” Eve hesitated. Then she shrugged. “I suppose I could use a little rest. When she wakes, ask her to give me a call?”
He nodded. “Whatever you say.” He headed for the door of Riley’s room. “And if I hear anything more, I’ll let you know.” He stopped and looked back over his shoulder. “You’ve been terrific. I really am grateful, Eve.”
She gave him a faint smile. “I know you are. And you’re not too bad, either. I even told Riley that you’re unique enough to keep around.”
He started to open the door. “Gee, thanks.”
She had a sudden thought. “You said you phoned practically everyone you knew for information. Who did you call?”
“Loring, Kirby, Interpol, Scotland Yard, John MacDuff, CIA, FBI, Atlanta PD.” He met her eyes. “Besides Detective Joe Quinn. Should I go on?”
Eve drew a deep breath. “No, that’s quite enough. I’ll talk to you later, Cade.”
He nodded. “I’m sure you will.”
The door closed behind him.
Cade dropped down in the chair beside Riley’s bed and just leaned back and looked at her. She was still deeply asleep, and she was paler than usual. He was used to her being tanned, glowing, and full of laughter and vitality. He knew she was going to be fine, but that fragility still scared the shit out of him.
Ignore it.
But he couldn’t do it. The pain and fear were too fresh.
He reached out and took her hand. He lifted it and pressed his lips to the palm. Her hand felt small and fragile, too.
“Hey, this isn’t going to work,” he whispered. “Do you hear me? I can’t take it. It can never happen again, Riley…”
Cade was there.
She could feel him, Riley thought dazedly. She could always feel him when he was close to her these days. It was as if he was a part of her. The scent, the warmth, the magnetism. But she wanted to see him.
After a struggle, she managed to open her eyes. There he was, but he looked too grim. “Hi,” she said huskily, then tried to clear her throat. “I’m sorry I broke up your meeting with the Arabs. It really wasn’t my fault.”
“Not funny.” His hand tightened on hers. “And I’m not entirely sure about the truth of that, either. But we’ll explore it later. How do you feel?”
“Still a little sleepy. I told them I didn’t want a sedative. I was fine. It was natural that I hadn’t slept well. I was a little on edge. You would have been, too.”
“Who, me?” He shook his head. “This would have been just a walk in the park. Though I admit that I felt it my duty to look into the logistics of what happened. Once that was taken care of, I just settled back and relaxed.”
“Liar.” She grimaced. “I can feel your tension. You don’t take downtime until you wrap up a problem completely. Since I imagine you were on a plane, and Eve told me that one of the snipers was dead and the other one had escaped, you wouldn’t have been able to do much of anything. Frustrating?”