Page 12 of Shock to the Heart
The vibration of his deep moan ripples through my sensitive skin as he murmurs, "You're already so wet for me."
"That feels incredible," I whisper, clutching at the back of his shoulders.
His tongue swirls gently around my nipple at the same time that the tip of his middle finger circles around on my clit. My legs splay apart, inviting him to do whatever he wants. The feeling of giving myself to him like this is deeply arousing.
"So hot," he whispers, pulling my shirt down, so that he can kiss along the side of my throat. "Beautiful and creative and unbelievably sweet and sexy."
As his lips meet mine, we both moan as the tip of his thick finger slips inside just enough to make me shiver. His hand instantly jerks back. "Sorry. Yes?"
He kisses me more softly, as if he can tell how breathless I'm getting just from his skin sliding across mine. He's so gentle, exploring every curve of my pussy, then settling right on my clit, almost teasing me.
My hand slips into the back of his t-shirt to caress his bare skin. "You want me to take my shirt off next time?" he chuckles.
He grins. "So you're telling me there's going to be a next time already?"
"Yes." My eyebrow arches.
"I'd take it off for you right now, but I'm afraid I can't interrupt this." His hand picks up speed, stroking through my crease and nudging across my clit in long, smooth, firm strokes. "It feels like you're getting close."
"Mmm hmm." I can't trust myself to say any more. Various parts of my body are tensing up as the heat of the moment overtakes me.
When Trey's warm, brown eyes stare into mine, he's slightly breathless. There's also an almost savage energy to him, as if he's holding back. "Come for me, gorgeous," he growls. "Let me feel you."
My feet press against the end of the couch, and I stiffen up. Just as I think I'm going to scream, he kisses me hard and deep, our mouths frantic and searching as we clutch each other desperately. The climax races through my entire body as I quiver and shake, finally collapsing against Trey's shoulder.
"God, that was so hot," he murmurs, kissing across my cheekbone. "Thank you, beautiful."
I know I should be the one thanking him, but can't find the words. He understands, simply rocking me in his arms for a moment before pulling my clothing back into place.
After that incredibly intimate experience, I would assume Trey would want more. But he stands up, tucking the blanket around me. "Okay. Plaster time. Do you want to stay here and chill, or be my lovely assistant again?"
"I'll help." It feels like I'm floating as I follow him to the studio and fill the yogurt container with cold water again. His large hands are quick and efficient as he mixes the compound and skims another light coat around the seam.
He gets the fan in place again, washes up, then flashes me a heart-melting grin. "Normally I'd tidy up completely, but I'll be back early in the morning to sand it down. Is it okay to leave it like this?"
"Of course."
At the front door he turns, caging me with his arms and pinning me to the wall. "Electra, not only are you the best assistant I've ever had, you're also heart-stoppingly gorgeous." He kisses the tip of my nose, then under my ear, until I'm quivering again. "Are you going to think about me tonight?" he breathes into my ear.
"You know it."
"Good. I'll be thinking about you too." He kisses me gently as he caresses my hip, then steps back. "Sleep well. Tomorrow is your big singing day."
"Good night, Trey. Thank you for everything." I close and lock the door, leaning against the side window as I watch him drive away. I can't believe how much has already happened this weekend.
And I certainly don't have a clue how I'm supposed to sleep tonight.
The sunshiney look on Electra's face as she answers the door Sunday morning makes my heart swell. She's just so happy to see me, even before I hold out two bags. "Fancy frappuccinos, plus egg and bacon burritos."