Page 13 of Shock to the Heart
We eat in the kitchen, and I try not to gawk at her too much. Today her hair is tied up in a messy topknot with a leafy green clip. She's wearing another slouchy sweatshirt, this one faded sage green, over baggy black sweatpants.
She catches me looking and grins. "Yeah, I know. I guess I always dress like I'm ready for painting or gardening."
"Hey, wear what you like. We're going to be working today." I stare into her beautiful navy eyes. "Are you excited to sing this evening?"
Electra swallows a sip of coffee, then nods. "I've already spent half an hour on vocal warm-ups."
"Don't you have to do those right before you sing?"
"Not really. It can be done anytime, as long as you don't take a nap or something in the middle of the day. Something about sleeping undoes the work of opening the throat, not sure why. I'll do a little more right before recording."
I squeeze her hand. "See? I'm learning so much about this whole musical adventure from you."
"Ooh, adventure. I like that." Her fingers tap restlessly on the table. "I think part of me is going to be glad when this is over."
"Yeah, I'm sure. But I also hope that you enjoy the process. You don't get to do it that often, so, you know… Make the most of it."
The smile that curves her luscious pink lips makes me hard as steel, but I'm determined not to distract her today. Well, not too much. "Hey, does kissing undo your vocal warm-ups?"
"Nope." Her eyes sparkle as she leans in, helping herself to a deep, sensual kiss.
Finally, I tear myself away. "Okay, time to focus. The faster we are, the more studio time you'll have."
I hurry out to the van to grab a few more things and haul them inside. She nods appreciatively as I turn on an industrial air filter. Then I plug in my work vacuum and hand her the open-ended hose.
"While I sand, you're going to suck up almost all of the dust with that thing. The filter will get the rest."
As I work, I appreciate Electra's focus. She doesn't check her phone. Doesn't take her eyes off of what we're doing. She aims the vacuum just as accurately as she did the flashlight before.
"You really are an incredible assistant." I lean over to kiss her temple. "Not to mention the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. But the assistant thing is way more important."
She's insanely cute when she laughs at me. "You're so ridiculous."
Once I'm done sanding, Electra puts on a pot of coffee while I wipe down the area with a slightly damp cloth to get the last of the dust.
After applying a quick coat of primer, we make sandwiches and sit in the backyard while it dries. Once again, we chit-chat about everything under the sun, including the hidden treasures of Sandersville and the nearby cities.
I check my watch. "It's been about an hour. I can paint in around…thirty minutes. Since it's the same color as the adjoining walls, I don't have to be super fussy along the edges. Then I can move everything out of the way and you can start recording."
"Yup. I can do the second coat in two or three hours, or wait longer if you like. I can come back wherever you want. Oh – I need your number."
We pull out our phones and create profiles for each other. I use an avatar of a lightning bolt for her, and the name "Electrifying".
"I love that you're silly." She looks up at me with her lovely wide eyes. "I've seen so many guys being so serious with women. Following someone around at a party, trying to come up with a perfect opening line. I like that you're fun."
"Oh, it's all a ruse," I shrug. "Just to make you fall for me. Once I've got you hooked, it's going to be all algebra and historical architecture, I promise."
She throws her head back and laughs. "Okay. Noted. Plus, you have to teach me everything you know about the electrical profession."
"Yeah? You're thinking about giving up your career as a cook and secret-but-brilliant songstress to become an electrician?"
"Probably not." She bites her delectable bottom lip. "But it would give us something to do together."
I take her hands in mine. "Electra, there is so much we're going to do together." I lean in closer, until our noses are almost touching. "Like archery."