Page 25 of The Fake Out Flex
Be the best date she's ever had.
Culver drops his gym bag onto the floor and leans his back against the wall of lockers. "Normally, I'd guilt you about not coming out with us, but look, I get it."
"Get what?"
He angles his face toward me. "Dude. Come on. You really think I'm that blind?"
"Blind to what? You're not making any sense." I hastily toss the rest of my stuff into my gym bag. "Just spit it out, man. I've got a flight to catch."
"Fine. I'll make this nice and simple for you."
He pushes off the lockers and lifts his right index finger into the air. "You."
He lifts his left index finger. "Evie."
He smooshes his fingers together. "Clear enough for ya?"
I close my locker and stare at the floor. All these years, no one's suspected anything.
Or so I thought.
My eyes remain glued to the ground. "How long have you known?"
"Well, let's see. We both joined the team three years ago…"
"All this time? Seriously?" I groan. "I thought I've been doing a good job hiding it."
"You have been. I don't think anyone else has picked up on it. But I'm your hockey bro. I notice things. And you have tells."
"What kind of tells?"
He points at what I'm dangling between my fingers. "Like that."
My good luck bracelet. The one I kiss three times before and after each game, no matter what.
Culver grins, lifting his chin. "She gave it to you, didn't she?"
"Well, yeah…" I cast a glance his way and smile sheepishly. "She made it for me."
"Aha. So she likes you, too."
"It's not like that. She's my best friend's?—"
He clears his throat.
"She's my other best friend's younger sister."
Point of clarification. Levi's my non-hockey best friend, and this guy is my hockey bestie. Think guys don't get weirdly competitive about this type of stuff? Trust me. They do.
"Evie used to make bracelets in high school." I pause for a moment, curious if she still makes them today. "She probably made them for everyone. It doesn't mean anything."
At least not to her.
I glance down at the bracelet, its three leather bands braided together secured with a sturdy metal clasp. It's a little too fashionable for me, so not something I'd wear out, but I couldn't imagine being on the ice without it.
"It must mean something to you if you've still got it after all these years."