Page 26 of The Fake Out Flex
If only he knew how much.
But I don't have time to take him on a journey aboard the Fraser Loves Evie but It's Never Gonna Happen express.
"How are things with you and Hannah?"
Culver slow claps. "And the award for most epic deflection of the decade goes to…drum roll please…Fraser Rademacher."
Okay. So I wasn't exactly subtle, but Culver is best friends with one of Evie's closest friends, Hannah, and even though I know it is theoretically possible for a man and a woman to be just friends, I've always had a gut feeling there could be something more there.
"Do we really need to go over this again? For the millionth time, there is no me and Hannah. She's my best friend, that's all."
It's my turn to clear my throat and act like I'm all put out.
"I see what you're doing, but fine." Culver chuckles. "She's my best female friend. There. Happy?"
"Deliriously so," I deadpan.
"Good. Now we can get back to what we were talking about?"
"I'd rather not."
He overrides me anyway. "Have you told Evie how you feel?"
"It's not that simple, man."
He pauses for a beat, assessing me. "Judging by your closed-off body language, as well as having known you these past three seasons, I take it you're going to leave a brother hanging on that mysterious note."
"Got it in one."
"Fine. I'll drop it. But if you ever wanna talk…"
"No problem. Also, before I drop it for real, you might want to think about talking to her. There's a rumor going 'round that chicks dig guys who can talk."
"That so?"
He nods, grinning like a goof.
"That's interesting because I recently heard something, too," I say.
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah. That only baby chickens should be called chicks, not women."
"Fair point."
I sling my bag over my shoulder. "I gotta jet."
"No worries. Have fun at the wedding tomorrow." We exchange fist bumps. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
If only he knew about that.
Another area where Tori and I—and every other previous girlfriend I've had—were incompatible.
I kiss the bracelet three times, then slip it into the tiny compartment lining the inside of my gym bag.