Page 27 of The Fake Out Flex
As I make my way out of the locker room, my thoughts drift back to that night all those years ago when my feelings for Evie first started to change.
Seven years ago, outside of Evie's bedroom…
I let out a low grunt, straining as I attempt to shove the window open, but it refuses to budge.
It's shut.
And locked.
Which is strange since Levi usually leaves it unlatched.
He's also grounded, which means he should be inside, but even though the lights are on, his bedroom is completely empty.
Why didn't he mention he was taking off when we texted earlier? I would've gladly gone with him. Anything to get away from this place.
Muffled sounds emanate from the other side of the fence that separates our house from the Freemans'. I shouldn't be here, so I retreat from the window and duck into the lilac bush outside Levi's room.
It's probably just the crew, but I doubt they're looking for me. They always sneak out behind our pool house to have a smoke, thinking we don't know what they're up to. Mom has apologized to Mrs. Freeman so many times for the cigarette butts that get flicked into her yard.
I consider my options. My way more restricted options now that my best friend has bailed on me.
I don't want to go back home, that's for sure. They're filming, and yuck. No way. Mom gave me an out tonight, and I intend to take full advantage.
But I'm exhausted after practice, which rules out doing anything too active.
I suppose I could call up some buddies to see if anyone wants to hang out. But that will require me driving, and how am I meant to sneak out in Dad's Range Rover without any of the crew noticing? They've got cameras everywhere.
Maybe I'll see what my younger sis Dawn's up to? If she's in a people-talking mood and not in her usual people-killing one.
My gaze travels to the golden glow spilling through the window from the room next to Levi's.
I take a few steps toward it. Levi likes to joke about how annoying Evie is, but he's totally got a soft spot for his little sister.
I reach her window and peer inside. Evie's sitting at her desk, an LA Swifts scarf dangling from her shoulders. All sorts of materials are scattered around her. She's got headphones on, and there's a hockey game playing on the TV in the background.
I lean in to get a better look and smile when I realize it's the 1997 Stanley Cup final—the last game her father ever played. Bet she's watched it a million times. It's where her love of the game comes from. Alex Freeman is one of the all-time greats. One day, I'm going to be as good as he was.
The voices from over the fence fade away, so I guess the coast is clear for me to make my way back home.
Just as I start to leave, the window opens behind me.
"Freeze! Put your hands where I can see them! I have a weapon!"
I stop, raise my hands into the air, and turn around.
"You call that a weapon, Mary Poppins?"
Evie lowers the bejeweled pink umbrella she's clutching and squints into the dark. "Fraser?"
"Yeah. It's me. Please put your weapon down so no one gets hurt."
"Oh, my goodness." She sags against the frame. "You scared me to death."
Some shadowy figure creeping around in the dark outside her room? Yeah, I can see that.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you."