Page 12 of The Retreat
I suck in a lungful of air. Who needs a toaster when every inch his fingers creep into my hair sends a jolt of electricity down my spine. “I’ll take it. I must insist on cleaning up now. You’re going to spoil your clothes as well.”
“Who cares?”
“While I’m sure you don’t pay a lot for those shirts, you must take quite a lot of time to find ones so unique…” I trail off as his nose touches mine.
“You have to be able to kiss me.”
“If you aren’t comfortable with it, how can we have a wedding reception?” Damn this man and his points.
My lip curls into a snarl. I don’t enjoy being backed into a corner. “I’ll kiss you when you earn it,” I growl into his mouth, making sure he can feel every word.
“Earn it?” Delight sparks across his expression.
“You heard me.” I fist my hand in his shirt. “If you think you’re in charge here, you’re gravely mistaken.”
“I’ll kiss you when you earn it.”
A shudder runs through me at the memory of his lips against mine. Even if they were angry and growling at me. The moment of anger, the slip of his control…it was everything.
Definitely not the deterrent he thinks it was.
Sweet innocent man, you have no idea what you’ve just done.
I smile to myself, ideas of how to get under his skin, how to force his hand and make him snap, filter through my head. I’m a professional brat at this point. Pissing people off is as easy as breathing.
I text the man who runs my parents’ lives and tell him I’m moving into the Godfreys penthouse. After a quick exchange, he gets to work to get my stuff moved. For the next few weeks, it’s just Owen and me in this place. He can’t escape me here, and I’ll fucking earn it.
I glance over the desk that has a big black ink spot on the wood where it bled through the paper. Who the hell uses an inkwell anymore? Pretentious, entitled, rich boys, that’s who. Apparently.
Sitting in the chair Owen leaped out of when he saw me, I take in the space. What does Owen really care about? Oliver is an obvious answer, but there’s nothing I can do there. Except keep them separated, maybe? What would Owen do if Oliver wasn’t there to run interference? Does Oliver do more?
I guess I’m about to find out.
A few hours later, I’m still sitting at the desk when the sound of the elevator dings. Checking the time, I smile and stand. There hasn’t been a peep from Owen since he stormed off, but I imagine that’s about to change.
“Brodrick.” I force a smile when I see the man old enough to be my father. I’m not shocked at seeing him, though under different circumstances, I’m sure he would have sent someone else to deal with me. Brodrick is so deep in my father’s pocket, I’m sure they share DNA at this point.
“Colin, nice to see you.” He nods and hands me an inventory sheet. Glancing over it, I don’t try to hide my smirk when I notice the sex toys on the list. “Where are the boxes to be delivered? Do you require unpacking as well?”
Absolutely not. I’m pushing Owen already by not warning him that my shit was arriving. Having strangers going through his things to find places to put mine will probably end with Oliver murdering me and having my body thrown into the Hudson.
“Boxes will be put in the bedroom.” I turn and head down the hallway toward the door that has to be Owen’s since I’ve been in the other two.
First test is now, husband.
“Owen, darling,” I announce as sweetly as I’m able, while opening the door. I’m caught off guard by the pitch blackness. Not a single beam of light is coming from the direction I assume the window is.
I hesitate for a second before turning the light on. Since I’ve never been in here, I don’t know what to expect, but it’s too late to go back now. Brodrick is only a few seconds behind me and will be reporting back to my father with what he finds.
When the light flashes on, I’m taken aback by the disarray of it. Clothes litter the floor, there’s a few dishes stacked up on what appears to be a gaming computer desk, the bed a mess of tangled sheets. They have a cleaner. I’ve seen her. Is she not allowed in here?
A hiss comes from under the chaise lounge.