Page 13 of The Retreat
“Do you have a cat?” I bend down, expecting an animal only to find Owen. “What are you doing under there?”
“Relaxing. Why would you turn on the fucking light?” He dramatically covers his face.
But we don’t have time to do this as Brodrick is on my heels.
“Come out here.”
Owen huffs and comes out. “What do you need?”
“Where shall I place them?” Brodrick asks.
Owen’s eyes flick between us in silent horror.
Time. To. Pretend.
“There you are, love.” I stride toward his frozen form, wrapping my hand around his. “My things are being delivered.”
He grips my hand so hard it hurts, and his jaw tightens. A jawline I want to explore with my mouth…
“Brodrick, I’m sure you remember my husband, Owen Godfrey.”
The man bows a little, showing him more respect than I ever got.
“Of course, sir. It’s nice to meet you again, Mr. Godfrey.”
For fuck’s sake, brown nose a little harder.
I turn my head and roll my eyes.
“Nice to meet you too,” Owen says through his teeth, icy gaze meeting mine.
“Where would you like the boxes put? Do you require unpacking as well, sir?” Brodrick is clearly talking to Owen, and it chaps my ass. I’ve never been shown respect like this from anyone who works for my father. At least, not once they figured out that my father hates me.
“I don’t know. What do you think—husband?” Owen stares, posture just like Oliver’s in that moment. His shoulders are stick straight and stiff as a board. His breathing is shallow and just a little too fast as if he’s trying not to panic.
I will have to act for the both of us so he doesn’t ruin it before we start. Sliding my thumb up, I find his pulse point and notice it’s too fast as well.
“Along this wall is fine,” I cut off Owen when he starts to point toward the closet and motion to a place on the floor. They can’t go into the closet, you dumbass! None of my shit is in there!
When Brodrick continues to look at Owen, as if I didn’t speak.
I raise an eyebrow and square my shoulders. This. Mother. Fucker. “I said–”
“You heard him the first time. He will not be repeating himself.”
Oh, that is hot.
No one stands up for me, except maybe Isaac when Oliver threatens to have me murdered. I’m so used to having to fend for myself against the pack of hyenas I call a family that I don’t know how to handle this, but good gods do I love it.
Straightening my spine, I smile at the man in front of us as his face blanches and he tries to backpedal.
“I apo–” Brodrick starts, but I cut him off.
“Do your job and get out.”