Page 22 of Master of My Life
good. She felt amazing. Powerful.
A slave girl approached Chase and greeted him with a kiss on the mouth.
Sabrina’s face went cold. She swallowed hard and looked away, doing her best to keep her face
inscrutable. Her heart pounded in her ears.
“I can’t do this,” Sabrina whispered, tears burning her eyes. She shook her head. “I can’t—” Her
chest tightened, and she struggled to breathe.
Richard stepped between her and the rest of the room and put his hand on her cheek. “Sabrina,
take a deep breath.”
She sucked in a shaky breath, the air catching in her throat. And another. And another.
Chase smiled down at Addie as she gazed up at him. She was one of the girls he used frequently and
he had a fondness for her. But kissing a slave was nothing to kissing the love of his life. Addie was an
expert in all things sexual, but compared to Sabrina, she was nothing.
“How are you tonight, my lord?” she asked softly.
“Very good, Addie.” Movement across the room caught his attention, and he sucked in a breath.
Sabrina’s face was pale, and she was blinking rapidly.
He stepped around Addie and started across the room, but Richard had stepped in front of
Sabrina. He held up his hand and Chase clenched his jaw. Sometimes he hated that Richard knew
everything going on around him.
Had she seen Addie kissing him? Is that what upset her? God, what would happen if Sabrina
couldn’t deal with Brotherhood activities?
Richard took Sabrina’s hand. “A few minutes ago, you were fine. What happened?”
She closed her eyes and shook her head. She couldn’t admit her weakness, especially to her
Master. He would be so disappointed in her.
“Sabrina, look at me.” Richard had commanded her, but his voice was gentle.
She lifted her face to him, embarrassingly close to tears.
“Tell me,” he commanded in a gentle tone.
She swallowed hard. “I saw someone . . . a girl. Slave. Kiss Chase.” She pressed her lips
together, wishing she could look away.
Richard’s eyes turned sympathetic, and he gave her a sad smile. “I remember the first time I saw
another man kiss Kathy.” He stroked Sabrina’s cheek. She felt the release from her Master’s