Page 23 of Master of My Life
commands but didn’t look away. “I will admit, it stung. We’d talked and talked about it, but when it
finally came down to it, I honestly didn’t know if I could deal with it. I felt very hypocritical because
I’d been a part of The Brotherhood for years.” He smiled and shook his head. “She knew I was upset
about something, but my pride wouldn’t let me admit it. After all, I’d been the one to suggest opening
the Gatherings up to our wives.” He chuckled. “I know I wasn’t the only jealous husband.”
Sabrina glanced across the room to where Kathy stood close to a younger man with shoulder-
length blond hair. He leaned forward and kissed her neck and Kathy smiled. “You’re jealous of what
she does?”
Richard shook his head. “No. Not anymore.” He smiled. “I get turned on by it now. I love
watching her enjoy herself.” He gazed lovingly at his wife. “She’s the most beautiful woman in the
world to me. She’s my everything.” He looked back at Sabrina. “By the end of that first night, I was
so turned on, we didn’t leave our bedroom the entire next day.”
“Didn’t you have sex with other women?”
He nodded. “Yes. But sex here, as enjoyable as it is, is nothing compared to being with my wife.
Now I think of Friday nights as appetizers, and then we go home and have a very long, drawn-out
main course.”
Sabrina remembered Theo’s similar comparisons of the difference between sex and making love.
She smiled, but then her heart fell. “But I can’t go home and make love to Chase.”
“Not right now. That’s true. It can’t be helped. But it won’t be long before you two can get
married. In the meantime, this,” he motioned around the room, “will help you maintain your sanity.”
He smiled. “And I know Chase will enjoy it.”
Sabrina thought back to her musings in the car. She looked down at her hands in her lap. “I was
imagining Chase being with another woman in the car and it turned me on.”
Richard nodded. “I think seeing it for the first time can be a bit jarring, but it’ll get easier.” He
turned serious. “Accepting your true nature will help.”
“I’m trying.” Sabrina swallowed. “It’s so hard. I’ve believed it to be evil for so long.”
“I know you’re trying. I can see it. I saw it earlier.”
“You did?”
“I did.” He put his hand on her head. “Close your eyes.”
Sabrina obeyed.