Page 57 of Master of My Life
Chase grabbed her hand, and she sat on the table across from him. “Sabrina. Listen—”
She blinked. I’ve slept with Jayson. And Ethan is so . . . manly. How—
“Remember when you worried about what you enjoy sexually?”
Sabrina nodded.
“And I told you I was adventurous and that we’d be fine?”
She nodded again.
He paused. “Would you be upset if I told you I’ve been with men before?”
Men? Not a man. Men. “You have?” Sabrina asked, her voice sounding calmer than she felt.
He nodded.
“Do you prefer men?”
Chase chuckled. “No. I love the soft curves of women.” He inhaled deeply. “But with what goes
on in The Brotherhood and stuff, you can’t avoid it. At some point, you’re gonna have a guy’s dick up
your ass.”
Her eyes widened. “Is that why they call it The Brotherhood?”
He stared at her for a moment and burst out laughing. “You know, I never thought about it that
way.” He shook his head, grinning. “Maybe. But it’s how we’re initiated into it.”
“You have to have sex with a guy to get in?”
“Kinda. It’s not erotic. It’s . . .” He waved his hand in the air. “When you’re brought in, you have
to show submission to your Elder. We do that by letting him fuck us, in front of everyone at a
Her jaw dropped open, and she stared at Chase, imagining Richard behind him. “I had no
idea . . .”
“It starts there, then you find out it’s enjoyable and it just, kinda, happens.”
“Will I have to do that if I decide to be a part of it?”
Chase shook his head. “No. It’s only for men. The Brothers. Your role would be completely
different from any other woman around here.”
“That’s a really painful way to show submission.”
“It’s not our first time when we’re up there. We’re prepared beforehand so it’s not painful.”
“With Richard?”
“No. My first time was with Patrick.”