Page 78 of Master of My Life
people. A cool, wet shirt might feel good.” He grinned.
A flash of him and Chase wearing drenched white dress shirts clinging to their muscular upper
bodies made her shiver with delight and Sabrina’s cheeks warmed.
Ethan raised his eyebrows.
She turned and look in the mirror, smoothing the dress over her hips and avoiding his gaze. How
can I go from aroused to terrified and back to aroused so quickly? What is wrong with me?
“What’s wrong?” Ethan watched her in the mirror.
She met his gaze. “I’m fine.”
He frowned. “I can see it in your eyes. You look like you used to when you and Chase were first
together. Ashamed.”
She hung her head, wondering how he knew her as well as Chase did. She traced her finger on the
back of the chair. “I’m not normal.”
Ethan chuckled. “Who wants to be normal? That’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
“But I shouldn’t . . .” She looked up at his reflection. “I should be traumatized by my memory. I
was shaking and couldn’t think straight just a little while ago.” Her shoulders slumped. “And then you
say something and my body starts misbehaving again.”
Ethan’s brow arched. “The wet shirt thing?”
She bit her lip and nodded, shame flooding her body.
He turned her by her shoulders and tipped her head up to look into his eyes. “First of all, you’re
not normal. You lived in hell for years. Your mind and body were fucked with in ways I can’t fathom.
Second, you’re not human. You’re an Immortal. Sex is like breathing to you. Didn’t you admit you like
unusual things?”
Sabrina nodded.
“It’s not something you choose, Sabrina. It’s who you are and the years of torture didn’t help. No
one faults you for that.”
“But shouldn’t I try and overcome what happened? I don’t want to be a victim.”
“You are a victim, but you don’t act like one. You don’t go around moping and sobbing because of
what happened to you.” His voice grew softer. “You’re so strong for what you went through. It’s
gonna take time to work things out. It’s okay if your body reacts a certain way to a trigger. It’s nothing
to be ashamed of.” She tried to look away, but he caged her cheek and made her look at him. “You’re