Page 79 of Master of My Life
okay, Sabrina. You will be okay.”
His eyes were so soft and so sincere she blinked away tears. Sabrina saw a depth of emotion
she’d not seen before and her jaw trembled. “Ethan . . . ?” Did she really see what she thought she
was seeing?
He clenched his jaw and stepped away. “You’re okay.”
She stared at him.
“I’d never do anything to get in between you and Chase.” His face turned stony. “But I will protect
you with my life.”
Had she done something to make him fall in love with her? She normally had to sleep with a guy,
or at least flirt with them. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, tears blurring his image.
“For what?”
“If I—I’m sorry if I did anything . . . to you.”
“Did something?”
She blinked and his face was in focus again, his eyes full of concern.
“What do you think you did?”
She looked at the floor. “I can make men feel things. Seduce them . . .” She looked back up. “I
didn’t mean to. I’m sorry!”
Ethan shook his head, giving her a gentle smile. “You couldn’t have. Not to me. You didn’t do
anything. Except be yourself.”
She frowned. “How do you know?”
“Because Theo made sure that I was immune to Immortal abilities when I joined The
Ethan glanced at his watch. “I’ll have to explain quickly because it’s getting late. After that Elder
tried to take over the US Brotherhood and was dealt with, the Elders and Immortals decided that there
should be protections put into place. The Elder had used a half-Immortal to seduce the other Elders
into agreeing with him. So now, steps have been taken so that all the Elders and their heirs can’t be
seduced by the Elder-Mistresses. When me and the other guys joined Chase’s team and The
Brotherhood, he asked Theo to give us the same protections.”