Page 37 of Semi-Fallen
Well, that answered that question. Apparently, he could feel what she’d been thinking in that moment.
“I have never been more humiliated in my life.”
Lane glanced over at Haven as Lucien opened a rift to the location the witch had given him. That can’t be true, she signed.
Haven crossed her arms over her chest and frowned. “You think there’s anything more humiliating than having my parents and every dhampyre at Section 8 sitting around discussing my virginity?”
Lane thought about it for a moment before signing, What about the time you laughed at the Spaghetti Factory and shot pasta out your nose onto Roan’s plate?
Haven winced. “Yeah, that was bad. But this is still worse.”
What about the time you got drunk at Sally Britton’s Halloween party and ended up peeing in her coat closet?
Haven thought about it for a second before saying, “No, this is still worse. But thanks for trying to distract me.”
Any time.
Lucien had been standing there patiently with his chin on his chest, the very picture of an annoyed alpha male. “Can we go now? Or do we need to further discuss your feelings?”
Haven’s face brightened. “Aw, that’s really nice of you. Thanks for caring! And now that you mention it—”
“I was being facetious,” he interrupted, looking appalled.
“Well, you’re not very good at it,” Haven admonished. “You should talk to my mom. She could teach you how to do it right.”
Lane nearly snort-laughed when Haven glanced back over at her and smirked. Leave it to Haven to mess with an angel.
And that was why she loved her.
I’m sorry to drag you into this.
Haven shrugged, then linked her arm through Lane’s. “It’s fine. I get it. Purity is in short supply at Section 8. A virgin’s gotta do what a virgin’s gotta do.”
Lucien put his hands on each of their shoulders and muttered something Lane couldn’t quite read. Haven must’ve heard it, though, because she answered, “Sorry, pal, but toning it down is not something women do in my family. There’s no kill switch on awesome.”
Had Lane mentioned that she loved Haven? Love was an understatement, actually.
She adored her.
And Lucien would grow to…appreciate Haven. Everyone did. Eventually.
* * *
Lucien walked the girls through the rift as gently as he could, but quickly moved in front of them. He’d traveled between dimensions countless times, but he’d never stopped between them. Even he had no idea what to expect when he did.
And even with no idea what to expect, he was still somehow surprised.
They’d traveled through the rift into a 12’ x 12’ room that looked like it had been decorated by whoever appointed Versailles in 1634.
There were no windows, but a huge, ornate crystal chandelier gave off way more light than such a small space needed. With less light, all the intricate gold carvings of angels wouldn’t be visible on the crown molding, and frankly, that’d suit Lucien just fine.
The gold flooring and heavily textured wallpaper were obnoxious, too. As were the baroque paintings all over the ceiling.
“It looks like Liberace exploded in here,” Haven whispered, chewing on her thumbnail.
The slight wrinkling of Lane’s nose told him she agreed. So did he. This was…a lot. Especially for a space that constituted little more than a foyer. A heavenly foyer, but still.