Page 38 of Semi-Fallen
Lane tipped her head in the direction of a chestnut wood sofa table that looked to be older than even Lucien was, and that’s when he noticed the ancient Roman scale hanging directly above it.
It looked like the scale Lady Justice carried, only with a sharp point on the top. Lucien nodded. “That’s the lock. Haven, if you prick your finger on the scale, your blood will run into the round plates and be weighed. If your heart and body are pure, you’re the key and the door will open to grant us entry.”
Her eyes widened a fraction. “And what happens if I’m not found to be pure of heart and body? If I’m not the key?”
He frowned. “I…have no idea. I can’t imagine it’s anything good, though. Are you trying to tell me you’re not pure?”
She glanced down and kicked at an invisible pebble with the toe of her red sneaker. “I mean…how pure are they talking?”
Lucien pinched the bridge of his nose. This was his fault, he realized. They should’ve had this conversation before coming through the rift “Haven, are you a virgin, or not?”
“Yes. But, like…I’ve seen porn. And I have a…you know…”
Her face was stop-light red, and Lucien had no idea what she was rattling on about, so he looked over at Lane for clarity. She signed, A vibrator.
Ah. Now it made sense. “Sexual thoughts and masturbation do not make you impure. You should pass, as long as you haven’t had sexual intercourse with a man or woman.”
That brightened her up. “Oh, in that case, I’m pure as fuck.”
He winced. “Maybe don’t cuss when you’re so close to Heaven?”
“Oh, sure…yeah. Sorry.”
Lane’s shoulders shook with silent laughter that he couldn’t help but share. Haven was part of her life, which meant she was now part of his. This was the kind of discussion he could count on for years to come.
Hopefully, at least. If they didn’t fail…and if the archangels didn’t smite them all where they stood.
No pressure or anything.
Haven clapped her hands together. “Whelp, let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”
Lane stepped up and put her arm around Haven’s shoulders as Haven lightly pricked her finger on the golden spindle. Lucien held his breath as the small amount of blood she’d drawn spread and seemed to double in volume as it flowed into both plates of the scale.
He really didn’t want to find out what would happen if Haven wasn’t deemed pure enough to open the door. Maybe he should have an escape rift ready, just in case.
But before he could put too much more thought into an escape plan, a rift appeared before them. Golden light spilled out, bathing Lane and Haven in its soft glow.
This was as close to Heaven as he’d been in ages. He’d forgotten how beautiful everything appeared in its light.
Lane looked over her shoulder at him and if he were a mere mortal, her smile would have killed him. She was that stunning.
Fate had seen fit to make this gorgeous creature his. He’d done nothing to deserve her. But he wasn’t about to let that stop him now.
He’d just moved forward to guide them through the rift when a second rift ripped its way through the space between him and the women. His heart clawed its way into his throat when a man leapt through the portal, grabbed Haven, and chucked her over his shoulder.
Lucien lifted his hands, prepared to hit the bastard with everything he had, but Lane motioned for him to stand down. What the hell are you doing, Roan? she signed to the intruder.
Roan. Lucien knew that name. But from where?
It took longer than he cared to admit, but he eventually remembered that Roan was a demon—the son of the man who’d held him captive in the hell dimension. Gabriel’s brother. He now worked for Section 8. And apparently, he was concerned enough for Haven’s safety that he’d followed them into a Heavenly dimension to get her back.
Very interesting.
“Fucking hell, Lane,” Roan growled. “How the fuck could you let her come here? You have no fucking idea what’s on the other side of that door!”
Lucien snarled at him. “You’ll watch your tone with her, demon, or I’ll melt the skin from your bones.”
Lane motioned for both of them to calm down while Haven squirmed in Roan’s grip and hit him in the kidneys with her balled up fists.