Page 23 of Harmless Revenge
“I do know you, Sean. At least, what I could find online.”
It was then he realized she had a computer and a small table. “My, you are resourceful.”
Another smile, just as unpleasant. “You don’t know the half of it. But I’m sure you will learn.”
The sound of something crashing in the kitchen brought him out of the memory. With a sigh, he decided he had left it too long. Jaime had a temper, and he wouldn’t put it past her to damage things in his kitchen.
With a shake of his head, he headed out of the bedroom. Then, after grabbing his phone, he went downstairs.
“I told you I would get it for you.” Randy’s voice was filled with amusement. He always seemed happy, even though Sean knew better. The dark secrets of Randy’s years in the SEALS were well hidden from most, but Sean knew them.
When he stepped into the kitchen, he blinked. There were bowls everywhere…and flour. It was all over the counter and the floor.
“What the fuck, Jaime?”
She offered him a snarl. “We are not all giants, Sean. You put your flour way up on top.”
“I can reach it there.”
She settled her hands on her ships and offered him a nasty look. “Well, I can’t.”
“I only have to worry about myself, so I put it where I want.”
Randy chuckled. “You definitely do.”
Dammit, he didn’t like the way his body responded to Randy’s innuendo. That bridge was burned. Sean tossed him a dirty look. “Behave.”
“Why? You behave enough for both of us.”
He made no comment to that. Sean knew that engaging in an argument with Randy always ended badly. Well, first would be the angry sex, then there would be another fight with months of no talking.
Sean was too old for that shit. Now, he had other responsibilities.
“We can go out for breakfast,” he said. “The Hukilau Café is open.”
“I didn’t know you would be able to eat anything,” Jaime said.
“But you felt you should cook so I could smell it? You always were sadistic.”
She smiled, but there was no humor in it. “You used to like that about me.”
A long-strained silence filled the kitchen. He hated this. The two people he had loved most in the world, and he couldn’t talk to them. He couldn’t tell them just what the hell was going on. He just couldn’t.
“I have to make a quick call before we leave,” he said, ignoring the shared look between his former lovers. He picked up his cell and headed to his home office. After shutting the doors, he pushed the speed dial and waited. It went straight to voice mail.
Dammit. If he didn’t get hold of her soon, he’d have to make a trip over to the Big Island.
Randy had his hands full at breakfast. He remembered the little café from the time he and Sean had visited years earlier, and it was one of Sean’s favorite on the island. But even that did not soothe his ex-lover. Their ex-lover.
There would be a time that he found this funny. He knew he would be able to look back and laugh, but it was still a little raw from his encounter earlier. It wasn’t that Sean had really said anything hurtful, but the damned man could never accept help. Ever.
“So, you two just decided to show up on the island and look for me?” Sean asked, his tone dripping with irritation.
“Jesus, Sean, you disappeared off the earth. What the fuck did you expect us to do?” Jamie said. To someone who didn’t know her as well as he did, other people would think she was pissed. And she was. But she was hurt. Both of them were.
“It’s not like I haven’t done it before.”