Page 24 of Harmless Revenge
Anger, pain, and a fair dose of temper swam in Jaime’s eyes before she hid it. “Yes, you’re very good at disappearing when things get tough.”
Sean’s mouth opened—definitely to say something nasty—but the waitress had returned for their orders. By the time they ordered their meals, she had calmed down a bit. She’d been a wreck since they’d found out Sean was missing. Both of them had barely kept it together. Worse, he hadn’t returned their calls. Something Randy needed to address right then.
“You want to tell us why you have been avoiding our calls for months?”
“I was busy.”
Fuck. When Sean got that stubborn tone in his voice, it would take an act of God to get anything out of him. It made him good at his job, but a pain in the ass to have a relationship with.
“Yeah, we all have been busy.”
Sean’s gaze moved back and forth between Randy and Jaime. “No comment.”
“Oh, that’s rich,” Jaime said.
“What the hell do you mean by that?” Sean asked.
“You getting pissy with us.”
Sean opened his mouth to argue; but thankfully, the waitress returned with their coffee. Randy knew that it was just the calm before the storm. Jaime and Sean had always been volatile together. Randy knew that it had more to do with their relationship in general and not the breakup.
“So, do you want to tell us what happened?” Randy asked.
“I was in Thailand. Bad job. Lassiter wasn’t very happy with the result and he burned me.”
Randy kept his gaze locked with Sean’s. He could always tell when Sean was lying. He had a tell, which most people missed, but Randy had spent too much time staring at that face. He knew the twitch. Every time Sean was lying, his left eye twitched. Just like it did now. Dammit, he was lying to them.
“So, after all these years you worked with Lassiter and now he burns you?” Randy asked.
Sean looked at Jaime then down at his coffee. “No comment.”
The repeat of his response irritated Randy, even more so because Randy knew Sean said it to irritate him. He looked at Jaime expecting her to fire back, but she didn’t. She apparently found her coffee as interesting as Sean’s.
“Am I missing something here?”
Sean looked up, confusion clouding his gaze. Then, he glanced at Jaime. “You never told him.”
Jaime shook her head.
“Told me what?”
He had a really bad feeling. Sean was always one for payback and the confident expression on his face told Randy he had leverage—and lots of it.
“Well, love, you want to tell him, or do you want me to?” Sean asked Jaime.
Jaime said nothing, her expression giving nothing away.
“Okay, this is getting fucking old. You two have bad tempers, but I tend to kill people to get rid of my bad mood.”
Jaime still wasn’t saying anything, so Sean stepped in. “Amazing. I thought you two shared everything.”
His stomach started to sink. “Just what are you talking about?”
“What? You didn’t know that your lover is Royce Lassiter’s daughter?” His lips turned up into an evil smile. “Well, now you do.”
Fury burned a hole in Jaime’s gut by the time they got back to Sean’s. She had never had a more uncomfortable time with the two men, including when Sean found out Randy and Jaime were an item. Having Sean show up at her room at six in the morning had been bad enough, but finding Randy in bed with her had been horrible. If there had been an argument, she could have handled that, but there hadn’t been. Sean hadn’t said a word. He had walked away and shut them out. Just like he had today.