Page 106 of Allegiance
Yeah, that was likely for the best. Sometimes, the less you knew, the better.
Besides, Zayn had asked once, and the man just laughed, shook his head, and said, ‘you don’t want to know’. Which was pretty much like saying ‘classified’ to Zayn.
Of course, he wanted to know.
He was a nosey old woman in a Native disguise.
Then again, maybe the ex-CIA-ex-FBI man said that for just that reason.
One would never know.
When it was time to approach the house, Rogue and his wife worked out the plan.
She would get access, just because she was a little nimbler when it came to breaking and entering. He was the tech guy and the planner. She was the doer.
It was how they got it done.
That was her thing, and he wasn’t going to stop her.
It was incredibly hot watching her work.
Sue him.
He was a horny husband who wanted nothing more than to have sex with his gorgeous thief wife as much as he possibly could. After she’d birthed their son, he’d had to wait, and he understood why Jagger was following Maura around.
Being married was awesome.
On top of that, Mamba made his blood run hot.
As he kept watch, she walked through the yard, blocking the cameras with the little black box in her pocket, and then, knocked on the door.
He held his breath and waited to see if anyone answered.
When no one did, he still didn’t relax.
This was the mother of his children, and the last thing he wanted was for Peony and Sawyer to not have her in their life. Catching Chevy was paramount so that he could bring his family home for good.
When no one answered, and Jinx low-key looked into the windows, she glanced back at her husband, winked, and then got down to business.
She picked the lock, got inside in under ten seconds, and went right to the alarm box.
With another box, more CIA tech, she touched it to the screen, and numbers began scrolling.
It didn’t take long.
When it showed the code, she punched it in, and the light went green.
It appeared that Remington had come through again.
She pulled out her phone and texted her husband to keep him updated.
Jinx knew he worried about her, and she didn’t dislike feeling loved like that. Rogue was a damn good husband and father.