Page 107 of Allegiance
‘It’s quiet in here. I’m going to do a quick walkthrough. I’ll leave the door open. You’re clear.’
Then, she hit send and got down to work. The last thing she wanted was for them to be ambushed.
Jinx headed upstairs and looked around. She could hear the door downstairs open, and she paid it no mind. She knew her husband’s footsteps anywhere.
As she headed into the master suite, that’s when she saw the big painting over the fireplace.
Yeah, she was betting behind it would be one of her favorite things.
A safe.
She simply couldn’t help herself.
She had a thing for pretty sparklies, and the propensity to do grand theft larceny.
Spraying her hands with another of Remmy’s gifts, she felt her skin tighten on her fingers, distorting her fingerprints. Oh, she wasn’t in the registry since she was a Snake, but she wasn’t taking any chances.
One nosey cop and that would be up. It was best to leave nothing behind.
Her DNA and her husband’s were wiped, but one fingerprint could tie other crime scenes together, and between them, they committed a lot of theft.
That was their weekly date night.
The loot helped the family out, keeping them in business. They were doing good with it.
As she cracked the safe, she knew she had eyes on her. Jinx had an uncanny ability to know when she was being watched.
And by who.
“One second,” she said. “I almost have it.”
Oh, Rogue didn’t mind watching his wife work. He was staring at her ass in those black leggings, and he liked what he saw.
What made him chill out was that he’d found a travel itinerary on the downstairs desk. The people who owned this house weren’t due back until Monday.
They had time.
“Do your thing,” he said. “We have plenty of time, my sexy thief.”
Oh, she would.
So, she did just that.
Jinx worked on cracking the safe by pulling out her earbuds, and a modified box to hear the tumblers.
They rolled, and the telltale click gave her the combination.
When she opened the safe, she grinned.
Rogue headed her way, putting his hand on her ass as she stood on the chair to reach the safe.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t turned on by his wife and her thievery skills.