Page 183 of Allegiance
No one would be thinking about it, and no one would be recording it to check later.
As soon as he turned to face the back seat, Gene laughed.
“That’s a hoot. They are going to lose it.”
Jinx turned and stared at him.
“What are you? Ninety?” she asked. “Who in their right mind says ‘hoot’?”
He pointed at her.
“I’m fifty-two, thank you very much, whippersnapper. I just hope your Marine skills are on point. Your husband is going to be in here playing techie, but you’re getting us in without detection.”
Oh, her skills…
They were notorious.
He didn’t need to worry about that.
She pulled her gun, screwed on a silencer, and smiled.
“You let me do my thing, and you just listen, stay behind me, and let me handle it. Put silencers on your guns, just in case.”
They could do that.
Rogue rewound the recording and got it ready to go to play it in real-time for the cops.
“We have one shot,” he said. “Cross your fingers and pray it works. We should see every cop in the district exiting this building to hit that address about ten seconds after we use that message.”
And the media.
Oh, this was going to be all over the news. They fully expected Elizabeth to be riding ass.
“Let’s do it then,” Tommy said. “I want to get this done, and get back.”
Gene’s hand slid up his thigh and was so close to his dick. His fiancé was why he wanted to get back home.
They needed more sexy bedroom fun.
“Let’s see what happens,” Rogue said. “Everyone be quiet. Phones on silent.”
As he held in the button on the radio, he hit the play on the screen, and the man’s plea for help came over it.
By the time he ‘screamed’ at the end, they already saw the dead detectives’ fellow cops running for it. They emptied out the building in droves.
“There were more than we thought,” Rogue said.
Yeah, this was going to be interesting.
“DOWN!” Jinx ordered, and they did just that as seven cop cars, and ten unmarked detective vehicles hauled ass out of there. Tires were screeching on the pavement, lights, sirens, and all kinds of mayhem began going down.
That would get everyone’s attention—even the media. Poor ‘Z’ was about to get popular.