Page 184 of Allegiance
When they got back up from hiding, the police precinct was desolate.
A few cops remained, but nothing they couldn’t handle.
“Okay, we gotta move. We have maybe forty minutes,” Jinx said. “It’s fifteen minutes there both ways, and then ten for them to freak out after they discover the bodies. After that, we don’t know how long they’ll stay away.”
“I’d prefer not to kill more cops,” Tommy said.
“And I’d prefer my large husband’s offspring didn’t hurt coming out of my vagina, but I don’t get my wish, so don’t pin all your hopes and dreams on yours,” Jinx said without batting an eye.
Rogue laughed.
He was smart enough not to comment on the baby thing.
He wanted more.
“Good luck, Jinxy. Watch your ass.”
She gave him a quick kiss, and then, she and the ex-cops got out. Rogue backed their vehicle into some trees and began working.
They had earbuds, and Rogue had the schematics to help them get this done.
Yes, they had two cops familiar with the building, but if they couldn’t talk, or got pinned down, he would have to get them out.
“At the door,” Jinx said, “deactivate all the key cards,” she added.
Rogue did just that.
The light went green, and they went in to handle this job. Tate West was their target, and getting that book for Elizabeth was paramount.
They had women and children to save.
“The cameras are on a loop,” Rogue said into the com. “You have to move fast. I’m turning them on as soon as you are out of their view, so no one goes back and reviews and gets suspicious.”
Jinx was focused, but she could do two things at once.
“Thank God Maura pointed this at Z. We might be in danger,” she joked.
He found that amusing.
As he was watching the schematics, he was taking visual cues from them.
“Head right,” he said, just as Tommy had pointed in that exact direction.
Jinx was ahead of them, clearing the way.
As of yet, there weren’t any cops around to cause an issue.
“Left,” Rogue said at the next hallway he was seeing in the plan layout.
They went that way, and when Jinx saw a shadow, she shoved the two men into the room and waited for the man to pass.
When she reached out, pulled him in, and dealt with him, there was only the sound of a neck breaking.
“One down.”
The man fell to the floor at her feet, and Tommy stared in horror.