Page 207 of Allegiance
“I do, Sir.”
He glanced over.
Well, she looked innocent enough, but if Jagger had learned anything, it’s that the enemy threw people at you who would make you drop your guard.
Look at the Snakes.
“He’s got a meeting with some models tomorrow around six at his one agency,” she said. “I heard him take a phone call. I haven’t seen the Chevy guy, but I’ve heard Cruz call him ‘El Capitan’,” she admitted. “They tend to come here on Saturday nights. You’re a day early.”
And that was what he wanted.
Only, the Saturday night thing was not going to happen. This bar wouldn’t be here.
It seemed they were finally beginning to get legitimate information that could help them find the men.
Maybe he could use this to his advantage. Jagger didn’t like killing women, and maybe if he gave her the money, it would get the others to talk.
Because this was getting him nowhere.
He pointed at the duffle bag.
“Take your money and go,” he said. “Keep your mouth shut, or I’ll find you.”
She lifted a brow, clearly surprised that he was keeping his word.
“Really?” she asked.
“Yep. I’m a man of my word. Thank you for your help,” he said.
When she grabbed the bag and headed out, Jagger jerked his head, and Eve knew exactly what he wanted.
He wasn’t really a man of his word when it came to people who knew women and children were being sold. He wanted to see what she did.
Trust no one in New Orleans, but his family.
That was his motto.
“Now, for the bonus round. Who can tell me how he gets the women out? It will get you the same reward as the young lady is getting.”
That was all it took to loosen lips.
Apparently, Jagger’s gamble had paid off.
They saw a woman walk out, and with cash, so another man raised his hand. That had been Jagger’s plan.
“Yes?” he asked.
The man stood up.
“He uses a private plane to ship them out on jobs. I’ve seen it. I work at the airstrip where the plane is kept. It’s one of those fancy jets.”
Well, this might help.
He needed more.
“What are the serial numbers on it?” he asked, waiting patiently.
The man rattled them off.