Page 208 of Allegiance
He memorized it.
Someone was getting a little visit at the airport, and they were going to find out who owned that jet and have a little talky-talk.
“Anyone else have something we can add to that to help me locate these assholes?” he asked, patiently.
No one else spoke.
Well, the guy who’d just given him the intel had. He was more than happy to run his mouth to get rich.
“Do I get my reward?” the man asked. “You know, like the waitress?”
Jagger smiled.
“Absolutely, my friend. We want you to get what you deserve. You know…since you watched a scumbag load up women to be sold off. Pay him, Zayn,” Jagger said.
The Native mowed down the last fifteen people, just as Eve was coming in with the duffel bag.
When the room was cleared, she handed it back to Jagger.
“She was calling someone in her car,” she said, handing him the phone. “Just like you expected. She was going to rat us out. Now, she’s going to be rat food.”
He was done with the assholes in this city.
Taking the phone, he tucked it away.
“We’ll have Merry look for the number she was trying to call. I’ll get that location at some point, and maybe it’s the next piece to the puzzle.”
Since everyone was dead, and they’d handled security, Maura pulled off the thick mask.
“Let’s see if we can find anything,” she said.
“Zayn, stay by the door and shoot anyone that comes in. If they smell like a cop, shoot them twice. This whole city is foul, and I’m not a fan.”
“Got it,” he said, heading that way.
That’s when they searched.
And searched.
And searched.
Oh, they found a lot of ill-gotten goods, some phones, and a shit ton of gambling money.
As for what would give them a heads-up as to where to find Chevy and his new ID…
That was a bust.
Unfortunately for them, they came up with one, and only one conclusion.
Cruz was being very careful.
It was crystal clear that Chevy had taught the man to play hide-and-seek.