Page 209 of Allegiance
It was Marine-esque.
And annoying as hell.
Chapter Sixteen
Friday Evening
Chartres Street
The End Of A Long Day
T here was nothing worse than hitting a place to get intel, and only receiving the shit you already knew. That was exactly what had happened to The Hunters. To make it worse, the blowing up of the bar…
It wasn’t nearly as satisfying.
You could only make things go BOOM so many times before it got boring as hell.
They really needed to find a new way to make shit disappear in this city. At some point, people, mainly the local authorities, were going to get hella suspicious that there were so many gas leaks.
Well, until they did…
When in New Orleans, do what you did.
To add a little jazz to this one, they spraypainted a big ‘Z’ on the side of one of the vehicles, so when the cops did show, they’d think it was the new mercenary in town.
When in Rome, screw with the dirty cops to make them look over their shoulders.
As they dropped their gear inside Chartres, Violet immediately headed toward her mom.
“You’re safe,” she said, hugging her.
“Do you know me? I’m too mean to get hurt,” she said, letting the girl hug her. She gave her a kiss on the temple.
“I’m tired, Mom. Can we go home? Uncle Tommy was bad.”
Eve lifted an eyebrow.
“Was he now?” she asked, focusing on him.
He explained before he was Adder’d.
“I told her not to eat too many cookies. She’s got a sick belly, and that is what happens when you are a cookie thief,” he stated. “I give her an hour and she’ll want more. Kids have resilient bellies.”
At his words, Eve relaxed and just shook her head.
“I get it, Violet. I have cookie impulse control issues too.”
Tommy headed her way with a brown paper bag.
“I also made the mother-to-be some to take home for herself. You know, in case you get the urge to have something sweet.”
She took them.