Page 289 of Icy Cold Death
“I can tell she’s not lying. I asked for this, Bish. I’m able to go deeper. I won’t lie. I’m attracted to him and curious.”
“Curiosity killed the cat, Lucian.”
He was well aware.
“It’s in my head, and Oracle said we have to practice. We have to keep doing this to get stronger so our connection will be unbreakable.”
She considered it.
“We can control that lust here on this plane, but once in the static, it’s like a million emotions bombarding you all at once. Oracle told us we wouldn’t be able to fight it for long. If we get a no from you, then we won’t be able to go back in.”
“That strong, huh?”
He nodded.
“There, it’s going to happen. We just don’t want it to be a thing that destroys marriages. I’m practical.”
She moved toward Lucian, and Ridge put himself on the other side of the table.
FAR from Bishop.
They got to call his wife, but having one in the room…
That was scary.
As she approached him, Lucian wasn’t sure what was going to happen.
Then, Bishop happened.
She jumped up, wrapped her legs around his waist, and trapped his body against hers. Then, she kissed him, and that heat exploded all around them.
Lucian held on, and he buried his hands in his wife’s hair as she violated his mouth.
His dick got hard, and he dropped onto the couch when his legs gave out.
Because of that oral assault, his brain went fuzzy and all he could think of was her.
Slowly, she released his mouth, and then opened her eyes.
As he tried to focus, Lucian couldn’t think. His lower brain was on, and his upper one was trying to string a sentence together.
She saw her effect on him.
Yeah, Lucian would always be hers.
“Okay, have sex with Ridge in the static. You can’t fake that response to me. I’m not worried that you’ll leave me for him.”
Ridge laughed.
Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen.
“Uh, I happen to love my wife. I don’t plan on having an affair on this plane. Like we said, we can control it here. If we’re apart too long, it makes us anxious, but once we touch… We are hoping that doing this in the static buys us time here. It makes the desires less difficult to navigate.”
She pointed at him, and he stepped back out of her reach.
It made her laugh.
“I trust you both. Thank you for being honest. If it’s in the static, that’s not here. This is real life, and sex here is a no. There, I’m not going to police.”