Page 290 of Icy Cold Death
There was relief.
“I mean, I never saw this being asked of me, but I’m not shocked. I know that you guys are like gasoline and a flame that are too close together. We all feel the energy when you go into the static. If you think this will help us against what’s coming, I’m willing to let it happen. I know it has to be bad if Oracle is coming out of retirement.”
Well, there was one more part.
“We want you to watch,” Lucian said.
And Bishop rolled off his body and onto the couch where she proceeded to laugh even more.
Ridge shook his head.
“I really pictured this going a different way,” he admitted. “Like her kicking the hell out of me and then you going missing.”
Lucian wasn’t shocked.
“Bishop is Bishop. I love her for her unpredictability. Never let it be said that my wife isn’t incredibly kind, compassionate, and amused by the oddest things.”
That was the truth.
When she wiped her eyes, she looked at Ridge, and laughed again.
“You. Want. Me. To. Watch?” she asked, snorting and with tears rolling down her face.
This was the oddest day of her life.
It was official, and that was saying a lot.
“Uh, monitor,” Lucian said. “We don’t know what will happen on this plane. You can pull us apart if we start to…you know, have sex.”
Oh, she would be.
“If we start rolling around the floor, or having sex on this plane, I need you to stop us. You’re the kill switch, Bishop. We don’t want to cross lines here. We want to go deeper into the static and use that to help us.”
She heard what he was saying.
So, Bishop shrugged, pulled off her gun, and put it on the table.
“Uh, that’s how I expected her to respond.”
Lucian moved and kissed his wife, pulling her into his body.
“Ridge, can I have five minutes alone with her?” he asked when he broke the kiss.
He nodded.
When he was gone, Lucian sat, and Bishop straddled his lap, so she could stare into his eye.
“Are you really okay with this?” Lucian asked. “If you say no, Bish, it’s no. No matter what happens in this life, I will never compromise us. You’re my wife, the mother of my child, and my partner. You’re my world.”
She heard what he was saying, but she knew the truth. He was attracted to the man.
“Be honest,” she said. “You’re turned on by him, and this is more than the static. You’re curious, and you are wondering what it would be like.”
He didn’t deny it.
“I am. I’m also incredibly turned on by my wife as you can tell since you’re perched over my erection. Oracle was in the static. I don’t know how long I can keep from letting it happen there. This Ridge is not the Ridge in my head. He’s magnified in his emotions, and my third eye is drawn to his.”