Page 94 of Sam's Salvation
Audra sprang from her squat and plunged the kitchen knife into his throat. He gurgled and put a hand out as his legs gave way, crashing into the dryer with a bang. She backed away, pulling the second knife from her belt, and ran for the back door. It chimed as she opened it. As she stepped through, she heard shouts from inside. Her only chance now was to flee into the darkness and let the night give her cover.
Glancing back, she didn’t see the man step out in front of her. She screamed and brought her blade up as his arms closed around her.
“Whoa! Aud, it’s me!”
The voice registered. “Sam?” Her body sagged into his.
“Yeah. Come on. We need to get away from here.”
“How did you find me?” she asked as they ran around the house.
“Geoffrey Powell. He gave up this location.”
“What? How did that happen?”
“I used my powers of persuasion.”
“Oh boy.” She could imagine how that went. Not well for Geoffrey.
Sam paused at the corner of the house. He touched his collar. “I’ve got her. Get your asses out here.”
She heard his voice in her ear and smacked him on the chest. “Why didn’t you let me know you were here? I was hiding behind the dryer with a kitchen knife!”
“I didn’t know if he’d found your earpiece. I didn’t want to give away the element of surprise.”
She tipped her nose up, unable to argue with his logic. “I guess that makes sense.”
He gave a little snort and smiled. “Also, thank you for the breadcrumb. It’s how I knew you were gone and not lost in the container maze.”
“I knew it was a longshot, but I couldn’t let him take me away from there without doing something.”
“Well, it worked. It saved us a bunch of time.” He peered around the corner again. “We need to make a run for the car. Someone’s going to come around the building looking for you soon enough.”
“Lead the way.”
He clutched her bound hands and guided her around the front of the house. Two men ran out the front door. It took her only a moment to recognize Dean and Max. Together, the four of them dashed across the desert.
“We knocked out Callahan and tied up Brogan. His two goons ran out the back door after Audra,” Dean said, coming up alongside them.
A shout from behind made her look over her shoulder. A flashlight bobbed near the side of the house from where she and Sam had run. Another appeared from the other side. Neither of the men had seen the group running away yet.
In the distance, she saw a line of headlights.
“Sam, you see that?” Max asked.
“Yeah. Here’s hoping Dorset sent help, and it’s not more of Brogan’s men. We’re not going to make it over the road before they get here.”
They pulled up behind a clump of cacti. Audra’s heart thundered in her ears.
“I see light bars.” Dean shifted, rising slightly.
Max grinned. “It’s the good guys.”
The lead squad car braked hard and swung into the driveway. He hit his lights as the engine revved; the car roared toward the house. Four other vehicles followed.
Audra tipped her head into Sam’s shoulder. “It’s over. Oh, thank God.”
Sam stood up, pulling her with him. A bright smile sat on his face. “Come on. Let’s go get one of those guys to take these things off of you.” He touched the metal cuffs circling her wrists.