Page 95 of Sam's Salvation
“Yes, please.”
Shouts filled the air as the state troopers and plain-clothes agents piled out of their vehicles, guns raised. Brogan’s men stopped and raised their hands as the law enforcement officials swarmed them.
Audra and the others hung back until both men were cuffed. In the flashing light as they walked closer, she recognized both the man in cuffs and the one who now held his arms. “Hey, that’s Moran.”
Max and Dean shared a look. Dean looked at Sam with a chuckle. “You want to talk to your buddy Geoffrey again?”
“No. Too many witnesses. Besides, I got what I needed.” He looked at Audra. “You’re okay, right? I haven’t asked.”
“I’m fine. Sore, but fine.”
He put a hand on her head and tipped it toward him, pressing a kiss to her hair. “Good.”
Max waved a hand. “Moran!”
Several officers turned, guns drawn.
They froze.
Moran paused, then lifted a flashlight and flicked it their way. A wide smile spread over his face, his eyes on Audra. “Well, I’ll be damned. You’re like a cat, Ridley. Do you always land on your feet?”
She walked up to him, smiling. “Only when I have the right people at my back.”
Sam, Max, and Dean came up behind her, forming a human shield. Moran looked at each of them, then nodded once. “With them on your side, I don’t think you’ll need to worry.”
“Nope.” She raised her hands. “Do you have a key?”
He chuckled. “Yeah. Let me stuff this one into a car.” He gave his prisoner, Kieran, a small push, but the man didn’t budge. Instead, he stared at her with wide eyes.
“You’re British?” he finally said.
Audra grinned. “I’m a lot of things you didn’t know I was.”
Moran tugged on Kieran’s arms. “Let’s go.” The two walked away.
Audra lowered her wrists and rolled her shoulders. She needed a hot bath and a massage. Her shoulders ached something terrible.
She glanced around while they waited on Dominick to return. Through the open doorway, she saw two state troopers with Liam. One held his cuffed arms while the other checked his pockets.
“Hey.” She nudged Sam with her elbow, then tipped her chin toward the house.
He looked in the direction she indicated. “You want to go talk to him, don’t you?”
“Uh-huh.” She turned and smiled up at him. “You can stand behind me and glare.”
“Can I punch him too?”
“You sure are aggressive tonight.” Her smile turned naughty. “I kind of like it.”
His lips twitched, ruining the fierce expression on his face. “I get a little mean when people I love are in danger.”
“All right.” Moran returned. “Let’s get those things off of you.” He reached for her hands, a silver handcuff key in his fingers.
The metal gave way and Audra shook her wrists out. They’d be sore for several days, and she’d have bruises. But she was alive and relatively unharmed. “Cheers.”
Freed, she walked around him, Sam on her heels.
“Behave,” Moran called after them.