Page 65 of Already Home
He pulled off her shirt and bra, then stared at herbreasts.
“You’re so sexy.”
He touched her everywhere, carefully removing her skirt, thenlowering her panties. She moved as if he excited her because she was too ashamedto tell him the truth. She made the noises, gasped at his touch. She did whatwas expected—helping him out of his clothes, saying all the things customers hadpaid to hear. She lied.
He was already hard and shaking. Instead of bothering to moveinto the bedroom, she shifted against the back of the sofa and parted her legsfor him. He pushed into her and groaned.
It didn’t take long. She sensed when he was close, arched herhead back and panted several times before moaning and pretending to shudder.Another trick she’d learned. Otherwise some guys wanted to make it lastlonger.
“Oh, yeah,” he growled as he pumped harder and faster. “I knewyou’d like it.” Then he closed his eyes and came.
When he was done, he withdrew with far more care than shedeserved. He touched her cheeks, her breasts, then kissed her.
“I knew it would be like this,” he said, staring into her eyes.“I knew it would be perfect.”
More tears threatened. She felt like a whore, only the currencywasn’t money. It was respect and honesty. She could never tell Cliff the truth,and by withholding, she would never be as close to him as she wanted.
“You okay?” he asked.
She nodded and reached for her clothes.
He stared at her. “Was I too rough? Didn’t you like it?”
She forced a smile. “I loved it.” She kissed him. “Couldn’t youfeel me?”
He gave her a long, slow grin. “Oh, yeah. You’re amazing.” Hepulled her into a hug. “I’m so lucky to have you in my life.”
His words got through to her in ways his touch hadn’t. Slowlyshe relaxed. She let him lead her into the bedroom where they snuggled.
Curled up against him, her head on his shoulder, she toldherself it would get better. That with time, she would find her way to all thatCliff offered her. She wasn’t going to give up. She’d come too far for that.
* * *
The next morning Jenna opened the store by herself.There were no classes until later in the day, and Violet wasn’t due in untilnoon. She took a second before opening the front door to savor the sense ofaccomplishment. The business was succeeding, and last night she’d cookedcompletely out of her comfort zone and it had worked.
Her mother had always told her that being brave meant knowingyou were afraid but doing whatever it was anyway. She’d done that and allowedherself a moment of pride. Just as exciting was the desire to try something newagain. To continue experimenting.
But despite that thrill, she felt torn about other parts of theprevious evening. Cliff had been a disappointment, but she’d liked Ellington awhole lot more than she’d expected, even if he did remind her a little of Aaron.Now she was sorry she’d assumed the worst and had set up a double date. Shewouldn’t have done it with someone Beth had introduced her to, but she hadn’tbeen willing to trust Serenity. Maybe it was time to actually give her birthmother a break.
A few minutes later, the woman in question breezed into thestore. “I know this is the worst possible thing I could ask,” Serenity said witha laugh, “but I have to know about last night. I actually couldn’t sleep becauseI was wondering and hoping.” She paused and drew in a breath. “Did you likehim?”
Jenna grinned. “Ellington was a very unexpected hottie.”
Serenity raised her hands and turned in a circle. “I knew it!When I met him, I could see the two of you together.”
“Don’t start planning the wedding. It was one date.”
Serenity lowered her hands to her sides. “Are you seeing himagain?”
“Friday. He’s coming to the singles cooking class.” Where shehoped he wouldn’t be seduced away by any of the other women.
“He gives a wonderful massage.”
Jenna winced. “Don’t take this wrong, but that falls into thecategory of too much information.”
“I’m draped,” Serenity assured her. “It’s not like he’s seen menaked.”
It was all Jenna could do not to cover her ears and starthumming. “Good to know. What do you see him for?”