Page 66 of Already Home
“Oh, this and that. I need a little alignment now and then.I’ve been fighting an infection for a while now.”
“You don’t want to use antibiotics?”
“They wouldn’t help with what I have. Anyway, I’m glad you hada good time.”
“Ellington was great, but I was kind of surprised by Violet’sdate.”
“Cliff? From what she’s said, he’s wonderful.”
“I know. That’s what was so confusing. I get being cynicalabout alternative healing and all that, but a date isn’t the place to have thediscussion. Especially when you’re just meeting the person. He made meuncomfortable. There’s something about him I don’t trust.”
“What’s the something? Can you define it?”
Before she could stop herself, she blurted, “A darkness.”
Oh, great, she thought. Serenity’s weirdness was contagious.What was next? Talking to trees? Only, Serenity had been right about Ellington,so maybe she was a little less crazy than Jenna had assumed.
“That’s very insightful,” the other woman said. “You’re seeingpast his facade to who he really is. You get that from me. I’ve always been ableto read people.”
Jenna ignored that. “I’m not going to say anything to Violetand I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t, either. She really likes Cliff andmaybe he was just having an off night.”
“You know that’s not true.”
Jenna hated to admit it, but Serenity was right. “I can feel itin my gut. But it’s my problem, not hers.”
“I agree. Until she comes to you for help, she has to followher own path. She’ll appreciate your silence and see your support. Violet issmart and intuitive. She already knows the truth, but she’s not willing to faceit. The time will come, though, and then you can be there for her.”
Jenna wanted to gag but instead found herself agreeing withSerenity. She had to admit, her birth mother showing up was turning out to be amore positive experience than she first thought. Maybe, with a little time, theycould be friends.
Jenna double-checked the supplies. “I wantto make sure I have everything,” she said, feeling more nervous than the lasttime and knowing her butterflies had little to do with teaching and everythingto do with a certain student who had promised to attend.
“You’ll be fine,” Beth said. “Look how many reservations youhave. There will be a big crowd. I’m looking forward to seeing the man Serenityset you up with. I think it’s fascinating you two hit it off.”
“I know. I didn’t know what to expect and I was terrified.” Shelowered her voice. “Serenity isn’t exactly in the mainstream.”
“But she found a nice man.”
“Yes. At least I think so. It was a double date so we didn’tget much time to talk.”
Beth looked across the store to where Serenity chatted with acouple of customers. “She’s fitting in very well. Some people have thatgift.”
Jenna glanced at her mother to see if Beth meant anything elseby the comment, but her expression was open and unguarded.
Violet came up to them. “The Italian bacon is all cut up,” shesaid. “I’ve divided it into the little bowls, so every station has the rightamount.”
“Thanks,” Jenna said. “I appreciate you doing that.”
Tonight’s class was a recipe for spaghetti carbonara, an easypasta dish that anyone could prepare.
Beth excused herself and walked toward Serenity.
“Everything else is set up, right?” Jenna asked. “I’m sorry tokeep checking. I don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight. I feel like I’mdriving everyone crazy.”
“The nerves aren’t helping, are they?”
“No. Why did I invite him to this class? I’m not sure I evenlike him.”