Page 54 of Blood Pearl
“We got the result, but we also proved that ‘the end doesn’t always justify the means’. Let’s put this one behind us and have a drink in the dining area, eh?”
“A drink? You’re going to a dining area and only having a drink? This I have to see.” Roul looks at me in astonishment.
“I’ve just come from having breakfast!” I exclaim in mock horror. “I can be in a place of eating without having to eat.”
“In all the years I’ve known you, that has never happened, EVER! You can’t let your wolf run in the forest without catching a rabbit or a squirrel. The last time we ran together, Asher took down a large buck, and my wolf, Havoc, only ate a haunch. You finished the rest.”
“Oh, shut up with your whining. Get your own drink if that’s how it’s going to be. I’ll go ring Flint and see what he wants.” Seeing him laughing, I give him a mock scowl and stomp away to my room.
Throwing myself on the bed, I lean my back against the headboard and call Flint. My phone call list shows that my last five calls are all to Flint and not one was an incoming call. It only rings twice and his voice booms from the speaker.
“Ah, Gerry. I’ve been waiting for your call. Been busy have you?”
“You may not believe it, Flint. I do have other people to talk to and things to do other than just for you.”
“Ha. As well as that may be, have you given any more thought to joining the council? You would certainly give us a new perspective at meetings with your military mind. It could be invaluable when it comes to strategies or logistics.”
“I haven’t given it any further thought since our last talk. I’ve had a lot on since then.”
“Very well, but give it some thought. I have Xavier in mind if you decide it’s not for you. Also, I have discussed Eve Planter’s suicide with the Council, and despite my misgivings, they have decided not to tell the pack Alphas. They believe that this could do irreparable damage to the Council’s credibility after the Anika and Holah incident.”
“You obviously pointed out that this will eventually come to light, and will do way more harm to the Council in the future than if they disclose it themselves at this time?” I can’t believe they would be this short-sighted.
“Almost my exact words. They believe there is only one way that it may come out. Ahem, you. They have instructed me to inform you that you are under Council orders NOT to disclose what you witnessed in regard to Eve’s death, to anyone or at any time.”
Standing slowly from the bed, I look at my reflection in a mirror on the wall. The person I see looking back at me, I believe to be an honorable shifter. A shifter that has a good moral compass, scruples and dignity.
“Councilman Flint. If someone asks me a question directly related to that subject, I will not lie or be deceitful. If this is what the Council expects of me, I can tell you in all honesty that it will not happen. I lie for no-one. I have lived my life for a pack or for the Council and have lived that life to a code of honor. I will die with that firmly intact. You may give the Council my answer and we’ll see what they have to say about it. Good day Councilman.”
How dare the Council ask someone to lie for them? I am shocked to the core by this revelation. A knock at the door brings me back to earth and I open it to see Aurora standing there.
“Gerry? What’s happened? Are you okay?”
Stepping back from the door, I gesture for her to enter. When I see her glancing down the corridors, I realize how insensitive I’m being.
“Forgive me, Aurora, I didn’t think. Is there somewhere else we can talk privately?”
Stepping into my room, she closes the door. “It’s my packhouse, and these are my rooms. I’ll go where I damn well please, and if someone doesn’t like it, they can see me in the training circle! Now, tell me. What’s happened? You look like someone’s given you some terrible news.”
“I’ve just hung up on Councilman Flint. He was instructed by the Council to place me under a Council order that forbids me to talk, discuss, or answer questions about something I witnessed. I, outside the Council who I informed, am the only one privy to certain facts. They want these facts suppressed and, upon my honor, I refuse to lie for them or to be silenced should these facts need to be known at some time in the future.”
“I don’t know what to say, Gerry. I’ve never heard of anything like it. Surely they’ve known you long enough that you would be confidential, anyway? I can only imagine that this must be something of considerable magnitude for them to go to such lengths.” Aurora sits on the edge of my bed and shakes her head. “What did you say to Flint when he told you of the Council's order?”
Giving her my response to Flint has her eyes widen and a smirk on her lips. “Oh my. I bet that’s not going to go down well. I admire you for the strength of your convictions, though. You would make an excellent pack Alpha. Where were you when I had to challenge for this pack? We would have made a formidable team.”
“You mean you would have happily been my Luna?” This takes me aback somewhat, as I have never envisaged Aurora as anything but an Alpha.
“Wow. Talk about digging myself a hole. I wasn’t thinking that far into it other than our values and strengths would certainly have been on a par with each other. I could certainly see us having each other's backs.” Aurora has a blush to her cheeks, and it certainly makes me look at her as more of a female than an Alpha. Seeing something flash in her eyes, she stands up from the bed. Feeling Asher pushing forward, I fight him back, but not before I have taken a step forward that puts me directly in front of Aurora. Seeing confusion in her eyes, I wonder what’s going on and I’m still pushing Asher to stop him from shifting.
I feel something washing over me, my eyes close and before I know it, I’ve given in to it. After several moments, the feeling is still raging and opening my eyes, I’m kissing Aurora! Seeing her eyes locked on mine has me breaking the kiss and stepping back.
I told you they’d like it if we could get them to do it, Asher.
It’s not the same as the rush we get when we do it, Aztec, but it certainly got their hearts racing, didn’t it?
“Aurora, I don’t know what to say…”
“Did you like it? Did it make your heart race?”