Page 55 of Blood Pearl
“Yes, on both counts.”
“Then maybe we should try it again. This time on our terms, not theirs?”
Before I take the step forward, Aurora is in my arms. Beginning gently, the kiss doesn’t take long to become hard and passionate. When we break away, we are both breathless.
“Oh, wow. I haven’t felt like this for a very long time.” Staring into Aurora’s eyes, I see them widen.
“And just what is that feeling?”
“Overwhelmed would be a good start, though I doubt that there is a single word that could do it justice.”
“That’s a good start. I think I know what you’re trying to say. This will certainly need further investigation, don’t you think?” By the time the last word is out of her mouth, I’m kissing her again. This investigation could take some time, and needs to be very thorough, I think to myself.
Feeling Aurora stiffen in my arms, I break off the kiss. “What is it?”
“I am summoned to the Alpha’s office. Xavier has returned.”
Opening the door, I check the corridor outside. Nodding that it’s all clear, Aurora grins at me. “My packhouse, my rooms, remember?” Watching her walk confidently away from me has me seeing her in a whole new light. Not just a confident Alpha, but a confident female. Someone I’d be proud to have as a Luna. All I need now is a pack!
Walking into the office only a couple of minutes later, I see Aurora, Raina, Xavier, Wallace and Roul sitting at the table. Raina offers me a bottle of water, which I take gratefully. Listening to Xavier give his report, I find my attention wandering. This is very difficult. I’m finding it hard to focus in light of these new developments in my life. Asher isn’t helping as he keeps pacing back and forth in my mind.
Roul breaks into my thoughts, “Gerry! What’s wrong? You’re not paying attention. Where’s your head at?”
“I’m very sorry. I’ve just had an unpleasant conversation with Flint. And I hung up on him,” the last sentence said in a whisper as though they wouldn’t hear it.
Xavier bursts out laughing. “Well, good for you. It’s about time somebody did. I’m sick of being at his beck and call lately. He seems to think phones were invented for his convenience. I keep changing my number without telling him. That’s putting a cat amongst his pigeons, I can tell you. Damn Council members!”
“Where were we before I disturbed the meeting?”
“Xavier only found one other structure about the same size as the first, but there were so many rogues out and about, he decided it was best to return here and do another recon at a later date.”
The meeting breaks up and as I go to stand a hand pushes on my shoulder, keeping me in my seat. I see it’s Raina. With only Raina, myself and Aurora now sitting at the table, I look questioningly at the beta.
Seeing her wolfs claws stretch from her fingers, I wonder how this is going to end. Slowly, the claws draw across, first one of my shoulders, then the other. The claws are left displaying several of Aurora’s dark hairs.
Aurora looks directly at Raina and says, “And your point is what?”
Smiling happily, it seems, she replies, “Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It is about damn time, though. Don’t you think?”
Chapter 29
With only myself and Aurora left in the office, we move to her desk. Aurora takes her Alpha seat behind the desk and I sit in one of the comfy chairs in front.
“This is quite an unexpected turn of events, don’t you think? Unexpected, but certainly not unpleasant.”
Aurora stays silent and just watches me.
“How do you feel about this, Aurora? I think our wolves have been aware of this far longer than we have. Their secret chats have obviously been about the bond they felt.”
Standing, Aurora walks to the window. Looking out for several seconds, she turns and sits in the chair directly opposite me.
“Gerry... I can’t deny that the wolves are ahead of us on this, and I think that we could have something good between us.”
Leaning forward in my chair, I look directly into her eyes. “I sense a ‘but’ coming.”
“There is a ‘but’. I have Taria to consider.” Aurora’s eyes flash as Aztec makes her presence felt.