Page 2 of Rousing Renee
“Hey, diva!”
Sampson’s enthusiastic greeting shined the light brightly into me. A new kind of hope blossomed so hugely that the overwhelming need to feel his arms around me sent me into a crying fit.
“Hey, girl. I got you. Whatever it is, I’ve got you.”
I didn’t need to say anything more. He jumped right into action.
“Aiden! Let me see your phone!” he yelled to his husband. “Now, please. It’s an emergency!”
He mumbled something before I heard him exchanging words with Aiden.
“Keep breathing, diva. I got you. I’m so damn happy you called me. My heart is so full of love for you right now. I’m really proud of you, Renee. Let it out! I’m right here. Right… here.”
Then I heard a woman’s voice on what sounded like a speaker phone.
“I need you to go to an address right now. Emergency style, honey. I need you to go help me save my best friend.” He rattled off my address, and the woman disconnected the call. “She could have said bye first,” he mumbled. “Renee, diva, we’ve got you. Keep fighting, baby. You hear me? Keep fighting.”
I could feel how much he believed in me. It was obvious in his actions.
“Repeat after me… I am incredible.”
I am incredible.
“I am alive.”
I am alive.
“I am loved.”
I am loved.
“I am fucking beautiful.”
I giggled.
“There she is. Now let’s try it again. And this time I need to hear the words, honey. I am incredible.”
“I am incredible.”
“I am alive.”
“I am alive.”
“I am loved.”
“I am loved.”
“I am fucking beautiful.”
“I am fucking beautiful.” I exhaled hard after that one because it was the heaviest to lift up into belief.
“I’m going to get help today.”
“I’m”—my voice cracked because it is what I truly needed—“I’m going to get help today.”
“Good girl.”
I heard Aiden’s voice, and it warmed something in my heart.