Page 3 of Rousing Renee
“I know we don’t know one another that well, but you are so brave right now. I know how hard it must’ve been to make this call. I’m so proud of you. Sampson is
I heard sniffling and knew it was Sampson.
“I didn’t mean to make you upset, Sampson. I’ll let you go.” I moved the phone away from my ear but was stopped in my tracks by Aiden’s voice.
“No. Don’t you dare.”
The power in his voice was no nonsense. I didn’t need to add defying him to the list of accomplishments for the day.
“He’ll be okay. I’ll make sure of it. That’s what I’m here for. Me for him. Him for you. Neither of us are going anywhere, little one.”
“Yes, Sir,” I whispered.
“Good. Now keep talking to us.”
I did until the knock sounded at the door. It was Sampson’s friend Angela. I opened the door, welcoming her inside. She had very deep dimples and a friendly smile that reassured me everything was going to be okay. She had me show her the knife immediately. After she took it away, she helped me pack my bags because I wouldn’t be back anytime soon. I trusted her because Sampson did. He’d never put me in harm’s way. In addition, I grabbed a few sentimental items and we left. Sampson and Aiden were on the phone the entire time. I expected her to pull up to a hospital to have my ass committed. Instead, we drove for two hours. When we arrived, I saw the huge gate with the letters R and R on it.
“What is this place?” I asked her.
“For the next few months, it’ll be home. We’re going to help you get better in a way that makes sense for you. Welcome to Rawhide Ranch, Renee. It’s not your typical safe house, but I’ve been told you’ll understand the rules very well.” She handed me her business card and while she got us through the entrance, I read her credentials.
Angela Crosby, PhD. PsyD. Psychologist and Therapist.
Then I flipped over the card to see the familiar emblem and wondered about the tall, brown-skinned woman in a different light. The words “Safe Call” were printed underneath the BDSM emblem. I guess I knew how she knew Sampson. He was also an activist for our community and keeping it safe.
I sagged against the seat and wondered what the hell I’d gotten myself into. Getting help never felt like a saving grace before. Now, I couldn’t wait to see what adventure was coming my way.
I looked at Tammy as she curled up to my side. Completely blissed out, she snored softly beside me. Another successful scene between us. I was happy in my relationship with her. We meshed well together and if things continued to go in this direction, I could see us married. However, I’d love kids to go with that package deal. We’ve been together for four years, though we’ve known each other since I was in high school. She’d had a crush on me, but I hadn’t made a move because of our age difference.
At the time, I’d looked much older than I really was. I was also intelligent and had been two grades ahead. When you think about it, five years isn’t that much of an age difference, but it was when you’re thirteen and the girl you’re interested in is eighteen, even if she hadn’t been aware. Now, we’re past that, but it had been unbelievable at the time. Fast forward to us bumping into one another four years ago and then our fast track to today. We’ve been trying to get pregnant for a year and it didn’t seem to be working out the traditional way.
I had an appointment today to go over my results with my doctor. I hoped like hell that I wasn’t the issue. It would make things even harder if it was. Worrying about the results had kept me up most of the night. My alarm was going to sound at any moment to wake me, but I’d been up long before the sun rose. I enjoyed my last few minutes of holding on to my beautiful ginger-haired girlfriend before the annoying ring of a school bell came from my phone. Time to get up and start my day.
“Where are you going?” Tammy mumbled.
“Doctor’s visit, remember?” I asked before kissing her exposed shoulder.
“That’s right.” She pulled the blanket over us both and put her leg over my hip as she straddled me.
Stiff from morning wood, she inserted me easily inside her very thirsty cunt, and we both hissed at the soothing reunion.
“I’ll be quick,” she whispered as if it were a dirty secret.
“Take your time,” I growled. Fuck that appointment.
Tammy’s body was almost too perfect. Breasts, ass, and even her curves were all sculpted by her doctor. I often wondered how she was going to handle pregnancy. She wouldn’t come out on the other side appearing the way she does now. If she did, I failed the assignment of not keeping her barefoot and pregnant for the next few years. That was totally the goal unless…
“E?” she moaned.
Damn, I’d been so busy thinking about other things that I was losing my erection. I snapped out of it and got both heads back in the game.
“I’m here,” I said truthfully.