Page 28 of Unholy Matrimony
I run my tongue down to her clit, I lick and suck. Teasing it, biting it gently. I glide my tongue up and dive inside her. Her flavor, mixed with blood, spreads across my tongue. I pull away from her and line up my cock and slam into her with some considerable force. Overcome with a need so primal. My cock is so deep inside her, I hold onto her hips with a firm grasp.
“Lenya,” she screams into the pillows, “I’m going to come. Please, come with me. Come inside me.” Her pussy spasms around me, and the sound of her orgasm echoes in the room.
Hearing her beg me to come sent me over the edge. “O, blyat!23 ” I empty myself inside of her, thrusting in and out gently as the sensitivity takes over. After a few moments, I pull out. I reach between her thighs and take the cum that’s leaked out, and push it back inside her. After rolling her onto her back, I carefully positioned myself next to her. I pull her into my arms and lay her head on my chest. Her forehead is covered with my gentle kisses. I look down at her face and she is radiant. Her cheeks and chest are flushed.
“Lenya, you’ve got blood on your face,” she pulls back, alarmed.
“It’s yours,” my deep chuckle echoes in the room, “from when I was getting you wet.”
“You were okay with doing that,” she asks, confused at my lack of repulsion.
“It is just a little blood, malyshka24. It's not a big deal. Unless it is a big deal to you. Honestly, it turned me on when I saw the blood on the sheets and my hand. I’ve never had that feeling, ever.” I hope my honesty doesn’t disgust her.
She says nothing but stares at my face for a moment. Then a smile cracks across her face, “You look like a lev25 now. Moya lev26.” She tilts her face to mine and kisses me. I get up and grab a towel to clean my face up and hers. I climb back into bed after.
We lay in each other’s arms for what seems like forever. I look over at the bedside table and see the champagne.
“Would you like a drink, Mrs. Igorova?” “Da,27” she nods. I scoot over and grab the glasses and hand them to her, then grab the bottle. The bottle opens with a POP. She hands me the flutes, and I pour us each a serving. I put the bottle back on the table.
Turning to her, I raise my glass to hers
“Here is to the start of a new beginning. Our beginning, our life, and our family. Thank you for trusting me with your heart. Giving me the gift of your love and affection. Kalina Nikolovna Igorova, I will forever worship you. You are moy I’vitsa.28 I will protect and love you until my last breath.”
“Leonid Borisovich Igorov, while we have come together in the most unorthodox of ways, I couldn’t be happier. Thank you for treating me with love, respect, and devotion, unlike anything I have ever felt. You are moy lev29. I will stand by your side and support you and love you. I pray God gives us all the children we desire. Until my very last breath. I am yours.”
She clinks her glass to mine and takes a sip.
After taking her empty glass, I pull her on top of me. I run my hands up her back and into her hair, pulling her down. I kiss her lips, then whisper, “Moy prekrasny Tsvetok30. Do you remember the high you felt when I chased you through the graveyard? How I told you it was the best form of foreplay.” She pulls up from my face. “Da31,” already understanding what I am getting at, she smirks.
“You should run, and run fast. Tovy lev32 is hungry.” I lick my lips and buck my hips.
She doesn’t need to be told twice. She climbs off the bed and runs straight out of the bedroom, her laugh echoing through the hallway.
I jumped out of bed and strode to the bedroom door. I call out through the hall “I’m coming for you, Tsvetok33, and when I catch you I am going to devour you.”
1. my love
2. Baby
3. Flower
4. my lion
5. love
6. baby
7. flower
8. No
9. husband
10. baby
11. Your Lion
12. Baby