Page 29 of Unholy Matrimony
13. my love
14. my love
15. baby
16. baby
17. Fuck
18. Flower
19. baby
20. No
21. baby
22. baby
23. Oh, fuck!
24. baby
25. lion
26. My lion
27. Yes
28. my lioness
29. my lion
30. My beautiful flower
31. Yes
32. Your Lion
33. Flower
Chapter thirteen
The sound of snoring fills our bedroom and rouses me from my dreams. Lenya is lying face down with his leg thrown over mine, with his arms wrapped around my waist. From a seated position, I stretch, and my muscles ache. I smile as my mind wanders back to last night. There is an ache between my thighs like I have never felt, almost like something is missing now. Lenya made losing my virginity magical. He was so thoughtful, gentle when he needed to be, and loving. I reach over and caress the side of his face. He awakens.
His eyes open, and he peeks up at me. “Malyshka1, is everything okay?”
It is perfect. “Da2, but we need to get up and pray.” I place gentle kisses on his forehead to his cheek. He groans but rises. The sun has taken its place on the horizon. I get out of bed and head to the closet to search for something to wear. We both fell into bed after making love all over the house, completely naked. I grab some joggers and a shirt. I don’t bother with underwear or a bra.
“Moy lev3,” I call out to him, knowing he has probably fallen back asleep.
“I’m up,” he grumbles.
He walks into the closet and grabs a pair of gray joggers. He pulls them up and beckons me to follow him. Walking down the hall to the little icon corner I had put together, he grabs my hand and brings it to his lips. We stand in front of the icons, cross ourselves, and I turn to him. “Since you are the husband, do you want to lead prayer?” I expect him to say no, but smiling, he grabs the prayer book and begins. My heart swells as he goes through the prayers. Never did I think I would stand next to Leonid Igorov in front of our home altar.
With it being Lent, he begins the Prayer of Saint Ephraim, and we both kneel to do prostrations. Afterward, we head to the kitchen, both of us starving. Upon entering, we see a tray filled with cut fruit, toast, and two bowls of muesli. “Alina is an angel!” I praise! Lenya grabs the tray. “Come, let's eat in bed. That way, when I am done with this, I can eat you!” I follow him out of the room and we make our way back to the bedroom.