Page 5 of Unholy Matrimony
“Sorry malyshka1, I’ll keep that in mind. I can’t help but watch you. You captivate me. The faith you have is so beautiful. I can only hope our children will have it as well, nothing like me, a horrible sinner.” I roll my eyes at him, already talking about children.
He gives me a coy smile. “Keep rolling your eyes at me malyshka2, I may not fuck you just yet but I can think of other things I can do to you,” For a moment I stop breathing, and he starts toward me with a devilish look in his eyes.
I want to run but to where? If I ran back inside, I would be forever talking with everyone about the upcoming nuptials and I don’t want to do that right now. If I ran out of the garden, my only option would be to run toward the parish cemetery and the forest. Right now I am much more comfortable with the departed than the living.
I stare him down as I gather the skirt of my dress in both hands and then take off, banking for the cemetery. Thank goodness I am wearing my good winter boots! I’m running as fast as I can. Lenya’s laugh is roaring over the garden and as I get to the gate of the cemetery, I hear him yell “Moy prekrasnyy Tsvetok3. I’m a starved lion hunting and you are my prey. I’ll bet you taste divine!”
Running through the rows of headstones and crosses for what seems like forever, I finally reach the edge where the trees meet. I hide behind the giant tree. The trunk is so thick I can’t see around it. Out of breath, I try to take in oxygen at a steady pace.
I don't know how far behind Lenya was, so I try to stay as quiet as I can. I hear a twig snap and dart my eyes to my left…then to my right. Nothing. My breathing quickens and I know he must be near. I step away from the trunk and just as I am about to take off again; I feel his eyes on me. Before I can even take a step, he’s behind me. He presses into my back and I can feel his cock against me.
“You feel how hard I am, malyshka4? Chasing you is the greatest foreplay.” He reaches around and snakes his hand up between my breasts. His forearm grazes my nipple and sends a wave of electricity down to my core. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced! His hand wraps around my neck and he gives a gentle squeeze. Panic sets in and I try to pull away, but his grip tightens and pulls me back into him. “Nashla tebya, malyshka5. Are you ready for your punishment?”
Lenya turns me to face him, his hand still wrapped around my throat. He tilts my face up to meet his eyes. Squeezing with just the tips of his fingers, a tingly feeling spreads across my face and head. “Pull down your leggings and take off your panties,” he asserted, not breaking eye contact.
“Lenya, I..I..” I stuttered, my mind flashing to the worst scenario.
I did not want to lose my virginity this way, here in the trees among the dead. He promised he wouldn’t until we were married.
“You—you promised you wouldn’t touch me until after we were married. You know that—that is important to me.” I said, stuttering through my words.
“I said I wouldn’t fuck you, not that I wouldn’t touch you. V chem delo, malyshka6? Ispugalsya?7” His eyes darkened. “Now be a good girl and take them off. I’m dying to taste you.”
Taste me? Trembling, I reach down underneath my dress and hook my fingers into the leggings and underwear. I shiver under my dress as I pull them down to my boots, unsure if it's from the cold or adrenaline.
Lenya removed his hand from my throat and started undoing the buttons on his heavy coat. My brain urges me to flee, but I cannot move. He bends down to lay it in the dirt, fanning it out. Still crouched down, he holds out his hand, coaxing me to take it. I placed my hand in his, hesitation clouding my thoughts, but it was as if my body was betraying me. I don't know if it's the adrenaline or not, but my body feels like it's vibrating.
Helping me to lie down on his coat, I can still feel the cold damp earth beneath. I tip my chin down and see Lenya at my feet, unlacing my boots. He pulls them off along with the thick woolen socks, setting them to the side. His fingers glide up my calves and his touch ignited my body. It feels like it has set little fires to my nerves. He pulls the leggings down, the only thing covering my pussy is my dress. Though it's freezing out, I'm so warm, sweat beads at my hairline.
“Pull your dress up, Lyubov8.” I do as he says, looking to the side to hide my embarrassment. No man has ever seen me so exposed. Lucky for him, I don't like body hair. I'm bare down there. My face grows hot as he inches closer to me. “The prettiest fucking pussy I have ever seen,” he purred. “Open up for me. Let me see what’s mine.” Part of me wants to fight. Inside my thoughts are screaming Lina, this is a sin! Fight him, run back to the church! But I just lay there.
No fight, no screaming, not like anyone would hear me. Do I even want them to? His touch was so gentle, not at all what I was expecting. From the rumors, I half expected him to flip me over, hold me down and rape me. Yet here he is, caressing my thighs as if to relax me.
Could he differ from what the rumors say? What if they are just that… rumors?
He leans down, and I can feel his hot breath directly at my entrance. “I have waited so long to taste you. Are you wet for me, Lyubov9? Did the fear of getting caught by the lion make those panties wet?”
“N-n-no” I lied, knowing that they were. “Hmm, let's see then, shall we?” as he reaches for my leggings. The panties are completely drenched when he pulls them out. “Tak10, lying is a sin Tsvetok11!” He teases.
“Isn’t it all a sin?” I bellow, tears forming in the crease of my eyes.
Shaking his head, he replies, “Da12, and I have spent the better part of the past year confessing my sins over you. So what's one more when this time I get to have you? At least now I'll have the taste of you to remember when I need a release. Well, at least until Friday.” grinning, he looks at my face. “Then I can have all of you. Then you will be mine.” My face flushes. Tossing the panties back onto my leggings, he continues back to his previous task. In admiration, he stares at my entrance.
Lenya positions himself on his elbows, he grabs my left leg and hoists it over his shoulder. Inching me closer to his face. He spreads me open, leaning in, groaning deeply, and then his tongue takes a slow and gentle swipe from bottom to top.
“Oh…” I moan, leaning into my shoulder to muffle the sound. It was pure ecstasy, unlike anything I have ever experienced. I've never touched myself before, so I have nothing to compare this to. I expected to be repulsed, but quite the opposite.
That was just one touch from his tongue! God, it's me. Please forgive me, but if this is supposed to be wrong, why did you make it feel this good? He licked my clit, paying close attention to the way my body responds to his touch. Swirling his tongue round and round, then gently sucking. Dipping his tongue in my entrance “Malyshka13 , you're drenching my shirt. 14Gospodi, posmotri, kakoy ty mokryy dlya menya. Just like I thought, you taste divine. Sweeter than the ripest summer cherry. I will never tire of drinking from you!”
A sensation builds deep in my core. Lenya, noticing that I was now eagerly meeting the strokes of his tongue, quickened his pace. After a few more slow and sensual licks, he sucks my clit into his mouth and gives it a gentle nibble. That alone almost puts me on edge.
I buck my hips “Lenya ... Oh God! Please don’t stop!” Just as I think he is going to keep going, he shifts his weight onto one arm and brings his right hand up to his mouth. Extending his middle finger, he sticks it in his mouth, sucks for a moment, then pulls it out. He positioned it at my entrance.
“This may hurt, but I promise it will only be for a moment if it does. Do you trust me, Tsvetok15?”
No, absolutely not…but also yes.
“Da16” I whisper.