Page 144 of Broken Prince
An hour later, everyone except me is drunk. But it doesn’t matter, we’re all having a good time.
I’ve laughed so hard my stomach aches with how crazy my mom and aunties have been. Who knew my mom could be so naughty when she drinks? Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in this case.
“Who knew dicks could be so cool?!” Winter looks at me with wide, wonder-filled eyes. “They’re all different shapes and sizes.”
Rolling my lips together, I smile and nod my head. “Yup.”
“And you stick them inside you.” She looks back at the guy on stage. “I bet that feels a hell of a lot better than my vibrator.”
“Not going to lie, it totally does.” I laugh.
“I wonder what Justin’s dick looks like.” She looks back at me. “You should ask Logan.”
“What?” I laugh. “Why would Logan know what Justin’s dick looks like?”
“Because they all get naked together, duhh.”
My eyes widen. “When?!”
“In the locker room.” She rolls her eyes. “Keep up with me, girl!”
“Oh.” I laugh harder.
“If it looked like that.” Winter points at the man’s dick. “I don’t know if I would want to go anywhere near it. That looks too big and scary for me.”
“Don’t worry, Winter.” I wrap my arm around her shoulder. “I won’t let the big cock get you.”
We both burst into laughter.
“Alright, everyone, it’s almost time for the main event of the night! Go grab your drinks and get your sexy asses back to your seats because you’re not going to want to miss this one!”
“Pee break, then more drinks,” Auntie Eden cheers.
“I’m coming, too,” Mom slurs.
“Me too!” Auntie Sylvia adds.
“I could use another drink.” Winter stands up.
“I’ll hold our space,” I tell them.
I’m on my phone, texting Logan while I wait for the next dancer to come on. The music starts, and I look around to see the others are not back yet.
I find them over in line at the bar.
“Oh well.” I look back towards the stage as the lights lower.
“Who’s ready to meet jolly old Saint Nick?!” the announcer asks, and the club goes crazy. “He flew all the way down here just for you! So, have you been naughty or nice?” The announcer laughs as the room shouts different answers.
“Naughty!” I shout, grinning.
“Yeah!” a lady next to me screams. “We’ve been so naughty. Come on, Santa, spank us!”
Laughing, the song Candy Shop by 50 Cent comes on.
“Fuck yes!” I cheer. What? I love the song.
It’s not really a Christmas song, but I don’t think there are any sexy Christmas songs to dance to like this.