Page 18 of Securing His Heart
“Sure, you are.” Lindy increased her pace.
When Chris’s hand fell away from the small of her back, she mourned the loss. No way did she plan to let him know how much she missed his touch.
After this meeting, their interactions would be over. She’d get a cab or shared ride to the city, pick up her car and then continue what she needed to do to ensure that whoever took her bag wouldn’t be able to get to her.
“If you’d like to take a seat here, Ms. Jones, I’ll get the footage up on the big screen for you to review.” Steve indicated to a seat while he fiddled with a laptop.
“Please call me Lindy, and what footage are we talking about?”
“From last night.” Chris sat in the seat next to her. “When you see it, you’ll understand why it was best that you viewed it instead of me telling you about it.”
For a few minutes, the reason for this meeting had been swept out of her mind. Her thoughts caught up in the man beside her and the others in the room.
“Right, okay.” She shifted so she had a better view of the television screen.
The large screen flicked to life and a gasp escaped when she saw herself and Chris sitting at the bar on the screen.
“I had no idea there were cameras there,” she whispered and leaned forward.
“I’m glad they were,” he commented, his voice seemed closer, as if he was leaning forward wanting to be near her.
Lindy forced her entire focus to the front and not checking to see what the man beside her was doing. “Am I looking for something in particular?” she asked, as her and Chris’s initial meet-up played out for the others in the room.
Even though she’d been facing forward, she’d been aware of others entering the room. The slight ruffle of fabric, the squeak of the chair as someone sat. This must be Steve’s team and in all likelihood, they’d probably seen the footage she was watching.
“Do you know that man?” Chris’s voice jolted her from her internal scanning of the others in the room and redirected it back to the screen.
A man was approaching and then backing away when she and Chris had gotten up to go to the table.
There was nothing about him that seemed familiar to her. “Nope, never seen him before.”
“Okay, keep watching.”
For the next few minutes, Lindy kept her eyes glued to the screen. No one in the room needed to tell her what was about to happen next. Everything in her wanted to turn away when her assault replayed in black and white. She winced in remembrance of the way she’d been shoved to the ground. Her wrist hadn’t hurt at all that day, but it gave a slight throb at that moment.
A warm hand closed over her clenched one, she hadn’t been aware she’d closed her fingers of her other hand into a tight fist. “It’s okay. You’re all right.”
Longing to push back from the table and curl in Chris’s lap welled inside of her, but she pushed it down. Yes, watching the events from the previous evening was hellish. Chris and Steve had a reason for her to watch this and no way would she look away.
“What the heck?” Lindy leaned forward, as though that would make what was happening clearer, yet it didn’t. “What is going on? I don’t understand why the person who took my bag is being beaten up.”
“Damn, we were hoping you might be able to give us some insight.” Chris smoothed his thumb across the top of her palm.
Like every other time he touched her, warmth and comfort chased away her anxiety.
“I don’t know anyone of those people on the screen, but it wasn’t random, was it?” She didn’t look at Steve for confirmation, she swiveled her chair so that she could look Chris in his dark brown eyes.
No way would he lie to say words simply to comfort her.
“Someone targeted me, didn’t they?”
“Yes, they did.”
Placing a hot cup of tea in front of Lindy, Chris took his seat next to her again. “Drink this.”